B. Pennock

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“What a wonderful change of pace!  Like all presidents I like some of what President Trump has done and don’t like other things, but over all his presidency has been positive. I was so pleased to read about Trump the Builder and Trump’s success in so many different areas.   The author has dared say that he is actually doing a good job at a time when most will not. What an incredible and refreshing change from the constant pounding he gets. 

The Elegant Trump is a terrific validation of my judgement of Trump as a hero not a villain.  The pictures are beautiful.  I was also reminded of something I knew but had forgotten.  He doesn’t just build in the Versailles over-the-top style that he has chosen for his home but in a variety of styles.  And it is all done with exquisite taste.  It is a beautiful book you’ve created. 

I went to Puerto Penasco, Mexico for a weekend recently and I saw a fragment of The Wall.  While I don’t really agree that the wall is worth the expense, I have to say it is an elegant piece of art.  This is such an interesting biographical tour of Donald Trump, the man.”

B. Pennock, Software Designer, Scottsdale, AZ (October 27, 2020) 

Claudia Logan

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