ICYMI: The Week in Trump

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Silk Talks about Diamond’s ‘Sudden Death’

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

My Sister Diamond Passed Away Suddenly and Unexpectedly

When news broke on January 10 that Ineitha Lynette Hardaway aka “Diamond” had passed at age 51, it sent shockwaves through President Trump’s supporters who knew her as one of the most unwavering and passionate activist voices of the MAGA movement. He was, in fact, the first to break the news on Truth Social.

Her sister Herneitha “Silk” Rochelle Hardaway Robinson and her partner in political commentary, proclaimed after a lavish and loving introductory tribute to her sister, “There are a whole lot of people dropping dead around here. My mother at age 71 and my sister at age 51. Both died suddenly and unexpectedly…and I call it murder.”

This was the first official ’cause of death’ offered in 18 days.

Legacy media assumed that in the right-wing world Diamond and Silk occupied that the mention Diamond ‘died suddenly’ meant she died from the jab. At the same time and inexplicably, the media prior to the memorial placed the cause on Covid. After the memorial, the media is congratulating itself for sussing out that Diamond had an underlying heart condition and high blood pressure.

Silk’s eulogy was the most moving I have ever witnessed, but while full of wonderful anecdotes about her sister’s courage, generosity, and style and even though she went into specific details as she drew her last breath, she did not confirm whether Diamond had Covid, was vaxxed or had heart disease.

Instead Silk asked for guidance from her sister about what to say at her memorial. Diamond said tell them,

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’m anti-mandate…The government has got to stop acting like dictators…I’m not an election-denier, I’m an election defender…Biden is an illegitimate president…Fauci should be in jail for crimes against humanity…If vaccines really worked, why do you need a booster?…If America was energy-independent under Trump, then why is the Biden regime purchasing oil from a foreign country who hates America?…No more machines — bring back paper ballots and hand counting. The 2020 election was rigged and Donald J. Trump is the true President of these United States…”

“And instead of asking whether you’re vaxxed or un-vaxxed, the real question to ask is are Americans being poisoned?”

This entire part of Silk’s eulogy was political — because as Silk put it — Diamond was political; we are political; and, that’s why we did not want to have her memorial in a church. (Donald Trump offered to spare no expense for her memorial as soon as Silk called him with the sad news. He paid for Diamond’s Celebration of Life.)

Silk told the world that the vaccine was ‘poisoning Americans’…she went there, and Donald Trump – the president who takes credit for bringing the Covid vaccine to market ‘faster by a few years’ – was up next at the podium. Was she blaming Trump?

Trump’s Eulogy was Awkward at Best

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Before Trump had even left the building, media outlets scrambled to mold his admittedly cringe-worthy remarks into something monstrous and evil. Joe Scarborough said he was ‘beyond bizarre, and beyond rude.’ Jimmy Kimmel called it a “Me-ology, not a Eulogy.” Ben Meiselas of the Meidas Network, a YouTube vlogger with 844,000 followers (and unknown at least to me) offered his own bizarre TDS-filled rant calling it an horrific eulogy. (Below). According to another and lesser-followed Trump hater, Jesse Dollemore, Trump was quite the opposite of a very stable genius that night, but a ‘sweaty confused mess’ who veered into the kind of decrepit mental state we see on display daily from FJB. (See second video.)

Fair to a point.

We know Trump never misses an opportunity to tick off his list of achievements while president. Notably absent, and it seemed to throw off his tempo on this occasion, was including his initiative to fast-track the Covid vaccine back in spring of 2020.

We know he rambles, adlibs, speaks off-the-cuff. We know he has a linguistic habit of inserting non sequiturs. We know he often speaks with a New Yorkers broken syntax.

I liked his remarks in the moment. I’m inured to his braggadocio. I cringed however (more than I can ever remember) when he said, “Silk, wow that was great — I had no idea. I knew Diamond, but I didn’t know you before this…”

Right-leaning comedian, Michael Loftus, appearing on Real America’s Voice thought his remark was a ‘sweet moment’ then quickly added, “I’d trust him to run the country.”

Aside from Loftus, praise for Trump’s remarks was, as nearly as I could tell, nonexistent.

If Silk was upset by the president’s awkward remark, she didn’t show it then and there has been no sign of her breaking with Trump since.

Fingers crossed because it would be highly ungood if Silk turned on her friend, Donald Trump.

For Silk’s part, she really came into her own in a speech that resonated with the audience in attendance and around the nation. She was Diamond’s sidekick. It was clear her role was to play straight man to Diamond, who ‘shined so brightly in everything she did.’ It is probably true that Trump was closer to Diamond and knew her better than her quieter, less forward sister. Diamond was lead singer; Silk back-up.

Ironically Silk opened her eulogy telling us that she could never fill Diamond’s shoes…a pair of her sparkly heels were displayed on stage. “Only she can wear those shoes,” she said. “My feet are wide. I can’t fill those shoes. She was unique.”

Silk grew – if not into her sister’s shoes – ten feet taller before our eyes by the time she had finished her beautiful tribute. Maybe that is why Trump was so impressed even though his response to the power of her words was ham-fisted.

Silk will unquestionably carry on the work she and her sister started during President Trump’s first run when Melania Trump discovered them back in 2015. She signaled she’s here to stay — ready to take on the ‘died suddenly’ phenomenon and election integrity and other pressing issues so critical to the Trump movement and to saving this country — and, she will be speaking truth to power as we now know only Silk can.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Docugate: Trump Says Leave Pence Alone, He’s an Innocent Man

What was Trump thinking when he jumped to Judas Pence’s defense as news broke that Mike Pence took it upon himself to have his attorneys look through documents in his possession from his days as VP under Donald Trump?

As with his ‘me-ology’ at Diamond’s memorial, Trump often leaves us scratching our collective heads.

My first reaction was, ‘Oh no – he has taken this Be the Better Boy thing too far.’

But others saw it differently. He was merely linking his innocence to Pence’s innocence because no one would accuse Mr. Pious himself of knowingly committing a crime, would they? Hint hint: If Mike Pence gets fair treatment from this corrupt DOJ for the alleged crime of keeping classified documents, so should he. Some said it was a tongue-in-cheek remark about his Vice President who had so blatantly betrayed him on January 6, 2021. In other words, when Pence certified the presidential election results when he could have sent those results back to the states for further review and disposition, he was anything but ‘innocent.’


It’s None of the Above

The best take on why Pence became part of the docugate story, came in my opinion from Raheem Kassam, founder of The National Pulse (and former War Room correspondent) in his podcast titled, “The Pointlessness of Pious Pence & How the U.S. Politburo Gains from the Classification Scandals.”

Kassam is pointing to the most likely explanation and that is the deep state, the politburo, the administrative state whatever you want to call it wants to dilute executive powers to classify/declassify information and move it to a ‘committee’ – aka the politburo – where they are guaranteed there will be no transparency into the workings of their own corrupt actions.

The FBI and the 16 other intel agencies would have this power, not our President, our elected representative and a check on the power of the other branches. The behavior of the FBI in its illegal raid of the president’s home at Mar-a-Lago foreshadowed this conclusion.

Listen to the original podcast below or to the segment he did with Charlie Kirk this week below.

Click here: https://raheemkassam.substack.com/p/podcast-the-pointlessness-of-pious?fbclid=IwAR38pld_wfEquKT1Cj8yc-tSd4O5Yis1v2MuwQA0gaTGUCKnGMB_juGFhrY#details

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Click to watch: https://americasvoice.news/video/xkwpRA5NjHROF4M/

DJT’s First Official Campaign Events Kicked Off Last Saturday in N.H. and S.C.

Wayne Allen Root says Trump can clinch the nomination today – referring to Saturday, January 28 – the day of Trump’s first two official campaign events – if he does these two things right now: 1) Promise to issue an executive order on his first day in office that would ban future lockdowns, masks, and the experimental vaccine; and, 2) acknowledge questions about the efficacy and dangers of vaccines and then ask Congress to conduct a probe into how Big Pharma ignored negative trial results for the Covid-19 vaccine and worked with Big Tech to censor that information on social media platforms.

Steve Bannon on War Room mused that Trump would address the threat of Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Neither transpired but Trump iterated he would make a deal for peace between Ukraine and Russia, and it would be ‘solved in twenty-four hours if I were president.’

Trump delivered nearly identical remarks first as the keynote speaker in New Hampshire at the GOP Annual Convention, and then in South Carolina at the State Capitol in Columbia where he introduced his South Carolina campaign leadership team.

Both events were billed as smaller, more intimate events than rallies intended to solidify the leadership of his campaign in those states. South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster will head that state’s team. People have noted that the former president is taking a more methodical approach to laying the foundation for his 2024 campaign than he did in either 2020 or 2016.

He had thankfully righted the ship since his speech at the memorial and delivered his usual rapid-fire cogent lists of solutions to problems that plague the nation, while of course touting his accomplishments in office.

We like this Trump. He’s Big Daddy T. He’s the de facto leader of the Republican party. He delivered both speeches in a well-modulated, more intimate tone. He was by turns bold, gruff, blunt, and confident. All of which we sorely need in 2024.

A new poll from Premise Data bears this out. Trump has a commanding lead over hypothetical challengers.


New Hampshire

Thousands of Trump supporters lined the streets in Salem, NH Saturday to greet the president. They waved huge flags along the route and stood outside the venue for hours while Trump spoke inside.

After thanking party bigs in attendance, he spoke of New Hampshire in glowing terms acknowledging it was the first state in the primaries and would keep that prized position.

Voter integrity was the first item he discussed. He wants and has been saying same for weeks: Voter ID, same day voting, paper ballots, hand counting of ballots and ‘no machines’…This prescription is far more strict than the policies being bandied about by various conservative media pundits who are promoting the idea in opinion pieces that ‘Republicans must get in the ballot harvesting game if they want to win.’ Harmeet Dhillon, some time Trump attorney who recently ran against RNC chair Ronna McDaniel and lost, was for ballot harvesting as well.

He pledged to turn New Hampshire red.

Then of course he had to pause to take shots at the fake news who keep writing articles saying ‘I’m not campaigning; well, I’m here!”

He called out RINOs too, “Back then when I ran I didn’t know. Now I know. RINOs are more dangerous than Democrats.”

Then came the meat — Trump told us that Biden put us on the fast-track to ruin.

Trump railed against the drug epidemic that is killing so many. ‘There are ten times more drugs now…and its cheaper than candy. It has to be stopped,’ he said.

Using a new narrative device, Trump passionately told the audience:

Every Day Under Biden is Like April Fools Day!
Our borders are open, it’s April Fools Day
We allow prisoners to go free, it’s April Fools Day
We don’t have voter ID, it’s April Fools Day
Our military is woke, it’s April Fools Day…

Donald J. TRUMP, SALEM, NH-1/28/23

And ‘we’re going Marxist by the way, we skipped Socialism’…

His call to action to state leaders and others who will be key on-the-ground campaign workers and activists around the state, was to adopt common sense policies that are ‘neither Democrat or Republican.’

In New Hampshire, Trump reminded people of the ‘these blundering fools on television that say I shouldn’t stand in front of a church with a bible…’ He was no less kind toward the generals.

South Carolina

They said the South Carolina event would be more intimate but I didn’t realize they meant the camera would give us a close-up of Donald Trump’s face, flanked by his campaign leadership team, the entire time. At least that is how it was aired on Real America’s Voice.

MAGA adherents criticized Trump in advance for his inclusion of RINO Senator Lindsey Graham who would offer his endorsement and be named to his campaign team. Graham, along with so many others like S.C. Governor Henry McMaster, whole heartedly endorsed the former president. It was Graham who delivered the most memorable endorsement quote however:

“He did it once, and he can do it again,” Graham said in a fiery defense. There are no Trump policies without President Donald Trump…You can talk about his policies, but you could not do what he did.”

Senator Lindsey Graham (R), South Carolina – 1/28/23

Trump won 44 of 46 counties in South Carolina in the last election; and, historically whoever wins the S.C. Republican primary, wins the nomination.

Trump Parys with Workers at Fast Food Restaurant in South Carolina

Trump stopped at Zesto’s a fast-food restaurant in South Carolina after the event at the state capitol. The photos and videos have been going viral and posted here. He picked up the tab for everyone in the restaurant. Click on the links to articles with videos, as cannot embed.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Hannity covered Trump’s stop at Zesto’s:


Must see Dan Scavino’s genius thing he did with the footage. It is set it to music:


More Trumpian Policy: Education

Trump has been issuing these 3-minute videos on policy every week. There are more ideas packed into these short vids than most people could come up with in three years. Few actually bother to think about issues enough to draw up plans as detailed as Donald Trump’s. Let’s see if these hypothetical GOP candidates can keep up with the blistering pace Trump has set so far in his campaign by just this measure alone.

Here’s a brief rundown of his Education policy:

  • Cut funding for any school policies that push gender ideology, CRT or discriminate on a sexual or racial basis as with Asians
  • Open civil rights investigations into discrimination in our schools; return control to the local level
  • Remove radical Marxists who have infiltrated our school system. They will be fired and escorted from the building
  • The president will remove defiant school administrators who teach radical and Marxist ideologies
  • Abolish teacher tenure for K-12. Hire the best.
  • Cut school administrative staffs.
  • There will be a Parental Bill of Rights – parents can elect school principals and remove them if they are not doing their job
  • Parents will be in charge of their children’s education through school choice
  • America spends the most on education and is at the bottom. We will get our money’s worth and be on top
  • Keep men out of women’s sports

Trump is essentially pointing to his desire to break teacher’s unions hold on education in America.

Click the link to listen to the Trump video:


DeSantis is Disloyal If He Runs

Republicans are notoriously fickle. Cudgel any GOPer to be loyal to anything whether to Donald Trump or any idea about an issue and they head for the hills. Republicans, who one might reasonably assume would endorse the virtue of loyalty, instead like to show us how disloyal they can be. No one could ever accuse this GOP of going in lockstep. Not with so many famous back-stabbers like John McCain and Mike Pence and Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. It’s as if they are all vying for an award to see who can be the most disloyal of all. Judas Pence would be my top pick. Democrats, on the other hand, are exceedingly loyal. Who are the mavericks and rogues among the Democrats who have damaged their own party as these big name so-called Republicans have?

This week, Trump flat out called Ron DeSantis disloyal to him for considering a presidential run. Aside from flagrant RINO/uniparty betrayals which likely toppled his 2020 run, Trump must know that average Republicans like to appear independent.

Outside of entities like the RNC where members really do go in lockstep, rank and file Republicans make a show of breaking with Trump at the least provocation. Whether it is a mainstream conservative pundit like Ben Shapiro — or social media influencers — the prevailing attitude has been ‘the more the merrier’! Of course, they say, Trump should be challenged! Of course, Trump should have to work hard for the nomination! Even the likes of Newt Gingrich will say, “Trump should not be the presumptive nominee but considered the likely nominee.”

Here he is on his plane reminding us how he endorsed DeSantis as governor and would consider it disloyal if he runs. On Truth Social he ties DeSantis to Globalist donors and the Bush’s.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Lastly, Trump’s events this weekend reached millions of voters!

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John Fredericks, Real America’s Voice host of The John Fredericks Show, launched TrumpNationNews.com to keep Trump voters up-to-date:

Trump Nation News

Listen to Lindsey Graham’s forceful endorsement of the former president here:


C-SPAN coverage of Donald Trump’s leadership team announcement:


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Claudia Logan

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A painting of president donald trump with the american flag painted on it.