Round-up: Where’s Trump? From Davos 2018 to a Memorial for “Diamond” to Phone Interviews…

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Davos 2018: A Look Back at Trump’s Refreshing America First speech

So far none of America’s speakers and panelists – ranging from unhinged climate fanatic Al Gore to Christopher Wray, erstwhile head of America’s surveillance state – has spoken at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland as we are even a sovereign country let alone still the world’s superpower with the largest economy in the world.

The dearth prompted conservative media to take a look back at former President Donald Trump’s 2018 WEF speech. Compared to the conceited wokist drivel coming from every panelist or speaker at Davos, Trump offered a poignant counterpoint that we yearn for five years later.

The unabashed America First message Trump gave at Davos — which he issues every minute of the day as you will see in this round-up — was tempered with promises of working to achieve mutually beneficial goals with countries around the world. That would sound wonky if you or I said but not when Trump says it.

Trump’s proposals were focused on fair, reciprocal trade agreements and as such represented a return to a world where nation-states were the norm. “I will do what’s best for America; and you do what’s in the best interests of your country,” Trump said then and keeps saying. Nation-states are the very thing the dystopian Malthusian-psycho Hunger Games-like WEF want to obliterate in their now transparent march toward the New World Order.

Come to America. We’re open for Business!

In 2018, Trump delivered a simple message simply: “The American Dream is safe. America is open for business. Invest in America.” He of course supported his case with key points surrounding the then booming stock market, stats about consumer and business confidence at all-time highs, the lowest unemployment in 50 years, job creation that hit 2.4 million (just one year into his term), corporate and middle class tax cuts along with his promise to continue to cut stifling bureaucratic regulations so that America business could ‘create, innovate, and grow.’

Trump continued his case with…

  • We are freeing workers so they can thrive and flourish
  • We are creating an environment – come to america where you can innovate, create and build
  • When America grows, so does the world.
  • We create countless jobs all around the world
  • We help people everywhere live more prosperous productive live
  • As president, I will always protect our country companies and workers
  • We believe in a system that works not just for the US but for all nations

Sadly these state-of-the-state facts are no longer true but worse not one American – Democrat or Republican – attending the WEF this year dares sell the world on investing in America as Donald Trump did.

Take a peek at this partial list of anti-America globalist attendees at Davos this year:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

At least Elon Musk pushed back by not attending. He tweeted:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Ze Trump or Ze Schwab?

Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF, offers his wilkommen remarks here. Hands down my choice is Ze Trump.

Donald J. Trump to Attend Memorial for Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway in North Carolina

Today former President Trump will actually preside over – not just attend – a Celebration of Life ceremony for his close friend, Diamond of the famous political pundit sister duo Diamond and Silk who passed away this week at 51 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, her home town.

Trump revealed in a phone interview on RAV this week that it was his wife Melania who put a bug in his ear early in the 2016 campaign season to listen to their videos. I had heard Ivanka discovered them.

The president and the pair hit it off when they met, and they were quickly featured at his MAGA rallies as crowd boosters or to introduce speakers. They were frequent visitors to the White House once Trump gained office. In the early days, Trump’s attention catapulted them to regular on-air appearances on Fox. I remember seeing them first on Lou Dobbs and like Melania knew they would catch fire. After Fox went anti-Trump, they moved to Newsmax. Along the way, Diamond and Silk, built their own media empire despite legacy media attempts to squelch their reach and influence. At peak MAGA popularity, they appeared before Congress in 2018 testifying before the House committee on social media about the negative impact shadow banning from Twitter and Facebook had on their media reach.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

I loved watching these two play off each other. Diamond would lead the narrative – tee up her witty barbs du jour while Silk would add her Greek chorus-like sing-song interjections.

More remarkable than their talent for political punditry, was the close friendship Diamond and her sister Silk were able to forge with then-candidate Donald Trump that lasted through his presidency and into his post-presidency. It’s unimaginable that any other president would have been this accessible or available to regular Americans. Washington is for power players. But Lynette Diamond Hardaway and Rochelle Silk Hardaway Robinson, who like Candace Owens, made a political video that went viral became very close friends with Donald Trump.

Damon Roberts, lead anchor of Live from Studio 6B, said of Trump’s announcement to attend Diamond’s Celebration of Life memorial, “He’s a class act. What else can you say? The man is beyond. It’s a very classy thing to do.”

Trump never wavered in his support of these two wonderful women either.

“They were with me from the beginning and they never wavered…”

DONALD j. trump

Listen to Trump’s announcement of Diamond’s memorial celebration. It’s precious.

Trump’s posted the news of Lynette Hardaway’s passing to Truth Social:

Trump’s first campaign rally will be in South Carolina with Lindsey Graham on 1/28

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
Credit: Jeff McWhorter/AP Photo. Trump at an event in South Carolina in 2020.

America First Trump supporters are probably none too crazy about S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham (R) headlining Trump’s first campaign event of the 2024 election cycle.

Trump’s aides, according to a New York Post article are billing the event which is to be held at the South Carolina State House in Columbia as ‘intimate’ compared to his much larger MAGA-style rallies. Trump is to unveil his S.C. campaign leadership team. Some 500 people will be in attendance just the same.

Trump has been outlining major policies almost every week over the past few months starting with his free speech policy position. He announced a new policy on China this week. He is Busy as ever, but even outlets like The Daily Caller (like Fox, is now full-on anti-Trump) are saying Trump’s 2024 campaign is lackluster and believe the former president is not working very hard. One thing 45 is not, is lazy.

Trump’s endorsement of Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House made waves with his supporters. It did not go unnoticed that the America First base did not agree with or comprehend the McCarthy endorsement. After the support for McCarthy, is an appearance with neocon pro-Ukraine, Lindsay Graham, who voted for the omnibus bill really a bad thing? In my opinion, it’s an unavoidable thing. America First voters will have to bide more time, make some concessions to the Republican establishment, before we will see an American First majority in the Senate. If Mitch the Turtle had not actively worked against Trump-endorsed senate candidates, we would have won at least five more seats but this is not news to us.

Big Policy on China: Economic Security is National Security

In two minutes and 46-seconds, Trump nails how urgently we need to address the more recent threats we are seeing from an alarmingly aggressive China ‘who are spending trillions of dollars’ to buy up U.S. infrastructure namely land near power plants and military bases, farmland, ports and shipping terminals, our food, and our technology.

Trump takes aim at how the Biden Crime Family, and the swamp (including Republicans) in general have enabled China to endanger our national security.

“Biden and that group don’t care about real energy. They only care about nonsense energy and nonsense energy will never work,” he says. Trump urges Congress to enact aggressive legislature to stop China from all future purchases that harm our economic security. Click to hear in full.

Trump Speaks Out on a Ron DeSantis Run

Brietbart cites a Morning Consult poll showing Trump ‘taking’ a double-digit lead over Ron DeSantis in this article. I don’t know how Trump ‘takes the lead’ when it is his to lose. He has always been in the lead and of course would be given he is a former president.

Ron DeSantis might close the gap over the next two years. In my opinion, he will lag Trump by substantial margins unless he declares. He is currently piggybacking on Trump who put his hat in the ring early. DeSantis gets a mention in almost every article about the Trump 2024 campaign.

Meanwhile, Trump is making weekly policy position announcements and with the South Carolina campaign event next Saturday, he is already putting team campaign leadership teams in place. DeSantis may have some big donors come in but his campaign window will be much shorter than the guy he has to beat to get the nomination.

Legacy media – including Fox – wants DeSantis to run for host of reasons. For one they use potential candidate like DeSantis to bait Trump. Fox anchors are prompting every guest to at least hint at challenging the former president and in most cases, their former boss for the headline and because frankly Fox has turned against Trump. This week they hoped Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley would deliver.

It baffles me that pollsters would ask people if they would vote for sundry Republicans like disgraced Congresswoman Liz Cheney or even the very nice Governor Younkin of Virginia. What does it accomplish?

Judas Pence polled at 8%. High considering who the damage he did to his boss and President. Pence brags in his book, “So Help Me God” (ironically he really needs God’s help) that he was the architect along with deep state scarf lady Dr. Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci, and others to keep the country on lockdown.

Birx and Pence went on a tour, meeting with governors across the country including Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Witmer, advising them to mandate masks and remain in lockdown. This was in direct contravention to what Trump publicly proclaimed was the wrong way to handle the pandemic. If you recall, Trump wanted the country open ‘by Easter because of the symbolism of spring and rebirth’…

Jeffrey Tucker, founder of The Brownstone Institute, outs Judas Pence in a War Room interview here:

David Brody, host of Real America’s Voice “Water Cooler” extracted the “We’ll handle [Ron] the way I handle things” money quote. Brody has done over 30 interviews with Trump. It was a wide-ranging interview covering a lot more than his thoughts on a DeSantis run.

Brody asked him if he had a nickname for him yet. Of course we know he does. He called him ‘Ron DeSanctimonious’ in his Miami rally for Sen. Marco Rubio right before the midterms. Trump didn’t take the bait however. After reminding people how his endorsement saved the DeSantis campaign for governor, he eventually summed up with, “We’ll handle that, the way I handle things.” Does anyone even remember the to-do over the Ron DeSanctimonious nickname?

Trump addressed emerging negatives from stalwarts like Pastor Robert Jeffress and former adviser, Kellyanne Conway too. Trump bluntly claims Jeffress, who has so far declined to endorse Trump in 2024, is being disloyal for not endorsing him since he delivered ‘more than any other president for the pro-life movement and evangelicals’ specifically with the Robb decision. He decried what he saw as a ‘lack of fight’ in the 2022 midterms from evangelicals after Roe was overturned. With Conway, he defends his habit of ‘fighting back’ after she advised him in a Tweet to be nicer, more positive and to talk about the future, not the past.

Trump of course offers his blunt assessments on the border, election integrity, and notably the vaccines. If any issue, hangs Trump up, it will be how he handled the Covid vaccine. He makes two strong points whenever he’s asked now: The vaccines were brought to market quickly; and ‘I never mandated the vaccines, nor would I.’ He probably needs to out, as Jeffrey Tucker did, the role Judas Pence played as head of the Coronavirus Task Force, but I am sure he will ‘handle Pence as he handles things.’ Listen here.

Birds of a Feather: Trump and Twitter

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
Image from The Elegant Trump, Chapter 3: He Tweets! President Donald Trump has exploited social media like no other American president, using it as a springboard to change policy, as a cudgel against critics and as an outlet for self-affirmation. Credit: Al Drago/The New York Times/Illustration by The New York Times

What does it mean? Musk is allowing Trump back on Twitter. He invited Trump last November to return to the platform that famously propelled his 2016 campaign into the stratosphere. He declined then but aides now say it is not if he will return but a matter of when.

What has changed?

His ‘mean Tweets’ are now the stuff of legend. The country is divided about whether the Tweeter-in-Chief did more harm than good tweeting at all hours of the day about every subject under the sun. Democrats understood that Orange Man was the king of Twitter if not the media (which is why they sought to shut down his social media accounts) while country club RINOs feign embarrassment over his behavior. (The latter is as responsible for the media’s foul treatment of Donald Trump as Democrats either due to their silence or to their own namby-pamby put-downs of him based on his nebulous personality traits they claim turns people off.)

When Trump was banned from Twitter late in his first term while running for his second, he had 90 million followers. Not the largest following on Twitter, many celebrities had more, but everyone agreed it was Orange Man’s Mean Tweets that drove interactions. Trump’s tweets set the news cycle on Twitter and elsewhere every day.

Jack Dorsey, former Twitter CEO, swore he would not ban Trump or any political leader from Twitter. It was a formal Twitter policy that all world leaders could of air views on the platform. In fact, he touted the platform’s ability to attract world leaders as a huge benefit. He told Congress, Trump in the Oval Office, and it was enshrined under Policy on Twitter’s website, that he would not ban Trump’s account and he reneged.

We are all still scratching our heads as to why the Twitter account of a sitting President of the United States was banned for ‘violating community standards’ on Twitter and Facebook when the Taliban, BLM, Antifa, pedophiles and sundry other certifiable bad guys are not.

This week, Trump penned a letter to Facebook asking to be reinstated. We’ll see how that turns out. One would assume, Zuckerbucks would follow Musk’s lead and would not continue to deny Donald Trump his right to free speech. We know better.

With just under five million followers on his own Truth Social account, the answer as to why Trump would return to Twitter and Facebook is obvious: He needs more reach to get his message out.

See NBC article on under Links below.

Links to Resources:

Trump’s 2018 Davos speech in full:

War Room on Real America’s Voice: Noor Bin Laden reporting from Davos this week.

Trump emails his opt-in list all day. Click here for recent blast:

NBC News: Trump Prepares for Return to Facebook and Twitter

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Claudia Logan

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