Who Else but Donald Trump Would Court the Boat Vote?

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Cars, Boats, Trucks, and Aeroplanes — oh my! — will be Made in America and Made in South Carolina

Summerville, SC.-September 25–Even with the plethora of exuberant pro-Trump boat flotillas or Trumptillas cropping up on oceans, rivers, lakes, and waterways around the country over the last three to four years, some might not think that former President Donald Trump would carve out time in his busy campaign schedule to speak to a gathering of boaters.

But he did.

Trump on stage in Summerville, S.C. (September 25, 2023)

In a speech that Trump surprisingly kept to a half-hour and maybe speaking rapidly because of it, he made highly targeted remarks about the deleterious effects of Biden’s EV and other harmful regulations put on the boating and maritime industry Monday afternoon at Sportsman’s Boats, a large boat manufacturer, in Summerville, S.C.

Trump provided the large gathering with a wide-ranging list of counter measures to Biden’s negative policies assuring them that their industry sector with him as their 47th president would not continue to be decimated.

He also picked up endorsements from South Carolina’s Secretary of State, Mark Hammond, and S.C. Attorney General, Allen Wilson. He thanked and called out Republican Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Republican Senator Lindsay Graham (SC), and South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster — all in attendance — all had formerly endorsed his 2024 run. Notably Trump did not mention SC Congressman, Nancy Mace, who has not yet endorsed the former president although she was a stalwart of his in the 2016 cycle.

A Small Business Leaders for Trump coalition will be headed up South Carolina’s Lt. Governor, Pam Evan.

Trump will Rescind and Revise Biden Era Boat Regulations and Bans

He opened with background on Sportsman’s Boats thanking company owners for the tour saying, “I might have to buy one of your boats.” “We’re going to end the economic catastrophe that is Bidenomics,” he assured the crowd.

And as always Trump reminded everyone of his economic accomplishments in particular but also noted success in other areas like rebuilding the military and securing the border.

“We had the greatest boom under my leadership in this country’s history, It’s going to be bigger and better than every before,” he boasted.

Trump’s ability to tailor his remarks to specific groups is unparalleled and he did not disappoint Monday, a sampling:

“Every single boat manufacturer in South Carolina expanded their boat operations in two years under my administration. Your industry did not go down. Not even a little bit.”

“Under my administration the economy was roaring like a 400-horsepower motor when I left office”

“Your costs have been raised by more than twenty percent already.”

“Filling up a Sportsman’s 355-gallon gas tank now costs three times what it did.”

“Your boat loans are more expensive.”

“Under Biden household income is $7,400 a year; less and ‘under Trump household income was $8,000 more without inflation.’

Under my administration, “cars, boats, trucks, and aero planes will be made in America and made in South Carolina…

We will Rescue You from the Burning Wreckage of Biden’s Economy

He will end the ‘war on energy’ by declaring energy independence and energy dominance. “In other words, we will Drill, Baby Drill!”

The goal is to have the lowest electric and energy costs anywhere in the industrial world.

“Your state lost one in three manufacturing jobs in South Carolina…thanks to the WEF.”

With a newly enacted Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, “I will impose across-the-board tariffs on most manufactured goods coming into the United States,” he proclaimed, and went further, “If tariffs are put on our goods we will reciprocate with tariffs in the same amount.”

Trump would revoke China’s most favored nation’s status to help protect American industry. He now says, “We are a developing nations. Look at our cities.”

“Biden is bludgeoning the boating industry with it’s 11 mph speed limit on boats. It’s less than a slow golf cart. We will rescind that on day one,” says Trump.

This regulation was put in to ‘prevent killing whales’ but ‘more whales are killed by windmills’ Trump says than boats. “Only one whale was killed in the last fifty years by a boat while three came up on shore last week because of wind mills,” he added.

“We will revise and rescind all boating and fishing regulations like the one against red snapper and bottom fishing on day one.”

These regulations combined with Biden’s bad economy will ‘desecrate your boating industry.’

“We will not allow your cherished low country traditions in South Carolina to go away.”

“If it were up to Biden every single job here at Sportsman’s Boats would be shipped off to China…”

“Biden puts China first, Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first… above our great veterans…He puts America last, he puts our miliary last, he puts our veterans last, our workers last, he puts small businesses. He puts everything good and proper last. He puts it last. It’s crazy. I put America first every single time.”

Listen to full Trump remarks here:


Donald Trump policy video on Energy and Electricity: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/agenda47-america-must-have-the-1-lowest-cost-energy-and-electricity-on-earth

Selection of articles covering Trumptilla boat parades:




Claudia Logan

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