Will Success Unite Us as Trump Promises?

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Or, has the American Dream been crushed by Soviet-style noxious prosecutions brought against Donald Trump with recent judgments now hitting nearly a half-billion dollars?

February 22, 2024– Who will win ‘The Final Battle to Save America,’ as Trump has labeled the political fight this country is in when on the campaign trail.

The face-off between the forces behind The United States of Lawfare, which ludicrously manifested last week in a radical Marxist judge ordering Donald Trump to pay $355 million in damages in a sham case brought in New York State against the Trump Organization for alleged real estate fraud, and a defendant in that case, Donald J. Trump, a former president and leading candidate to win the White House in 2024 is possibly the most dramatic, intensely fought political battle in this country’s history.

Every chance Trump gets, he rails against the ‘forces arrayed against him’ (and we the people) telling us if the Marxists, Fascists, Communists, Neocons, Warmongers, Elites and Fake News Media succeed in defeating him ‘we won’t have a country left; it’s that simple.’

The 92-page ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron, as we are all sadly learning, comes with strings attached that are so draconian it renders that word to describe it obsolete. Trump must be laboring to meet this demand but you would not know watching him lead rallies and sit for one big interview after another. (He did a Fox Town Hall with Laura Ingraham Tuesday.)

Trump must not only pony up the unheard of exorbitant and what ABC’s Shark Tank, Kevin O’Leary calls ‘an un-American’ fine of $355 million, the judge also ordered:

  1. Trump must pay the entire fine now – he can’t wait for the appeal process to play out – or post a bond for the full amount within 30 days.
  2. Interest will be charged on the total amount of the fine starting now.
  3. Trump is disallowed from approaching New York banks (with whom he has good long-standing relationships with contrary to the findings of this case) for a bond arrangement.
  4. Unless bond is posted, he cannot submit an appeal to the appellate court.
  5. New York’s AG, Letitia James, announced that the State will start the process of seizing Trump’s properties in New York City if he doesn’t pay the fine.

The ruling is breathtaking and stunning in its design to inflict as much punitive damage as possible on Donald Trump, his family, and The Trump Organization which he and his father built over decades into one of the most successful real estate development companies in the world.

As of February 21, Trump’s lawyers filed a motion with the court to stay the provision to pay the fine until the case can be appealed.

Jonathan Turley, legal professor and analyst, warned in a Fox interview the other day that businesses are nervous about the impact of this ruling and would have to be thinking about leaving New York. He called the action by the judge, ‘a public execution.’

In addition, Trumps sons Eric and Don, Jr., were ordered to pay $4 million each along with a million dollar fine levied against a former CFO of the Trump Organization, who has been a victim of NY States’ prosecutorial malpractice for years.

This is how New York City and New York State treats a native son and his family?!

This is a man, a second generation builder and real estate developer, who helped rebuild New York City in the 1980s when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. He has created thousands of jobs over decades in Manhattan; and, he has been credited with significant architectural achievements there having added many new buildings to New York’s famous skyline.

What country is this?

The Ruling Causing Blowback and Jitters in New York

Eric Trump provided a passionate rebuttal with Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro shortly after the ruling telling audiences that the Trump Organization is considered a ‘platinum client’ by bank lenders because they not only paid back every penny of every loan but paid ahead of schedule. “They [the banks] earned millions on our loans,” he said. He predicts businesses will exit New York as fallout from the ruling which is now legal precedent.

“We’re going to win in November. They would not be doing this if he weren’t running for president.”

Listen here:

Kevin O’Leary, a multimillionaire with a healthy real estate portfolio and host of the ABC show Shark Tank, said in an interview right after the news hit:

“What fraud? This is not about Trump anymore. You get a developer that builds a building and he says it’s worth $400 million, and he wants to borrow $200 million from a bank, which happens every day, everywhere on earth,” he said in an interview right after the news hit. (Article here.)

This week, O’Leary declared, “I would never invest in New York again.”

Many pundits believe the ruling ‘throws the way business is done in America out the window.’ Others feel the floodgates to socialism have been thrown open. Trump now flat out calls it ‘Communist.’

As Phill Kline, Liberty University law professor, eloquently said this week to John Fredericks on Outside the Beltway (a RAV show) when asked if we (America) is now the USSR, “You’re witnessing the deconstruction of Western Civilization.”

At 11:59, highly recommend listening to the full interview here.

New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, clumsily tried to stem the blowback just beginning to rock the real estate industry by telling John Catsimatidis, host of the WABC 770 radio show in New York, “The Cats Roundtable” that New York businesses have ‘nothing to worry about.

John Catsimatidis, the billionaire owner of NY grocery chain Gristedes who ran for Mayor of New York, asked Hochul what happens if the State of New York goes after other businesses as it did Donald Trump.

Here’s her telling response:

“I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about, because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior,” Hochul responded.

Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York, on “The Cats Roundtable” WABC 770

Hochul just said the quiet part out loud: This case – like all of the other cases brought against Donald Trump – was and is a witch hunt to destroy him!

This article cannot begin to address the background of this case alone in order to demonstrate just how far afield what happened in it is from the American system of blind justice.

Watch who Leftist factions go after in addition to #45 to wit Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Rudy Guiliani, John Eastman, and many more pro-Trump or pro-freedom figures. Kevin O’Leary was likely pre-empting future assaults against him by saying, “I won’t invest in New York.”

But Donald Trump always has a few more cards to play…

My Revenge will be My Success

Trump to Profit Billions from DWAC-Truth Social Merger; Sales of Trump-branded Never Surrender High-top Gold Sneakers Might Help Too…

‘My success will be my revenge’ is one of Trump’s favorite new lines. He combines it with, “Success will unite us,” whenever he is asked how he plans to bring our divided country together.

On Valentine’s Day, the SEC – another politicized federal alphabet agency – finally approved the merger between DWAC (Digital World Acquisition Corp.), a special purpose acquisition company or what is called a ‘blank check’ investment company, and Truth Social, the social media platform he launched in 2021. (DWAC website here and below under Resources.)

This merger has been on hold for over a year. Former Republican Congressman (CA) and CEO of Truth Social, Devin Nunes, has been airing his grievances about the hold up for months saying most mergers and acquisitions can take only a few months but for ‘some reason’ this one is taking much, much longer.

By the way, Trump has a 58% stake in Truth Social and could net a profit of $4 billion from this deal.

Any Trump venture is excoriated by state-run media. Making money is a joke. Owning property is old-fashioned. Freedom of speech peculiar. Defending one’s property and person is just plain stupid. And, a right to a fair, speedy trial with a jury of one’s peers is of course out the window! Fuhgeddaboudit!

Even though MarketWatch offered solid market data about the merger (see DWAC link above), it issued an opinion piece with a positive headline, “Donald Trump’s Truth Social is flying high…” to draw the reader in, but this piece could not be any snarkier or snarlier. You can almost see the writer’s lip curl like Dick Cheney’s whenever he mentions Donald Trump’s name:


Fox Business anchor, long-time Trump TDSer, Neil Cavuto, sniffed at Trump’s sneaker venture. “It’s, I don’t know, not classy,” he said.

The New York Post played the news of the pending merger straight. Shares rose 30% after the announcement. DWAC will meet with shareholders next week to vote on it making it official.


The Wall Street Journal opened its article on a positive note too. See screenshot. (Remainder of article is behind a paywall.)

And CBS News did something underhanded, it’s headline heralded that Trump stood to make $4 billion from the merger, but it opened it’s segment with the news — intended to damage Trump — about the Engoron ruling. See for yourself:


Donald Trump has stood in the breach. He is a man who dares, he is the Man in the Arena.

His courage has inspired millions of his voters and millions more around the globe to take up his banner.

All it takes is one person speaking truth to power to make a difference. Look at the populist movements that have taken hold in Central and South America and Europe as well.

At CPAC this week, they’re calling it the Global Freedom Movement. Javier Milei, newly elected President of Argentina, a former professor of economics who describes himself as an anarcho-capitalist, gave one of the most honest forthright speeches against globalism this year at Davos. He is speaking at CPAC this year about the his fight against government corruption and socialism. His nickname is ‘the wig.’

America First patriots are keenly following Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, who announced he has imprisoned 80,000 gang members; Jair Bolsanaro, former President of Brazil, lost his bid for a second term like Trump did to a rigged election. He is a populist chased out of the country by left-wing protests that were insurmountable. He is in exile in Florida. Also watch Italy’s Georgia Meloni, who came to power as Prime Minister on a populist wave.

And, perhaps no politician has been more persecuted than Geert Wilders of The Netherlands. He considers himself a ‘right-wing liberal’ and is currently the leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV). He led his party to electing the largest majority in the House of Representatives. It’s been called the political upset of the century.

Look at the farmer protests that have spread all over Europe in response to globalists who are instituting policies that will – unbelievably – get rid of farming! (Yes, that is a pledge and it comes courtesy of Bill Gates but he is just one globalist proponent of such a lunatic measure.)

Donald Trump Launches Own Brand of Sneakers at Sneaker Con: His Gold High-top Never Surrender Sneakers SOLD OUT!

First, watch this video on Instagram of the guy who sold his Donald J. Trump autographed gold sneaker for $9,000. It could now sell for $25,000. The Trump Never Surrender Sneaker retailed for $399.00 and are now sold out. Other sneakers are still available for half that price at the newly launched Get Trump Sneakers website. Here’s the Instagram gold sneaker guy:


Second, watch Trump at Sneaker Con on stage plugging it — in Philadelphia and just a day after Engoron’s ruling. It was a surprise visit.

The crowd went wild – like UFC – wild! Who knew that Sneaker Con was even a thing, let alone a Donald Trump thing?!

Third, go to Trump’s sneaker website if you want to purchase Trump’s sneakers: https://gettrumpsneakers.com/products/gold-sneaker

Fourth, you can also purchase Trump’s newly launched Victory 47 perfume at his sneaker website. Click on the image. You’ll have to scroll down. Of course his perfume is yet another object of ridicule. Bring it on!

And…Give this man a Yeezy! Another Instagram image making the rounds:

And lastly but not leastly, here is sampling of regular – that is biased – media coverage on Trump’s Sneaker Con marketing coup!

The BBC reports there were loud boos AND cheers:


AP News said Trump’s appearance at Sneaker Con was met with loud boos. Full article here:


The Guardian said there were boos and cheers and dug even deeper reporting that the crowd at Sneaker Con was a ‘lot younger’ than his usual rally goers. The Guardian tacked on the Engoron news and added Trump’s remarks made after the ruling from Mar-a-Lago with that outlet claiming Trump was/is lying about the entire case. Here:


Good for our favorite president! There is no stopping this man!! We literally thank God that we have Donald Trump as a singularly brave leader combating the forces arrayed against him and the average citizen of this country.

Don’t Forget about those Sold Out NFT Trump Playing Cards!

We covered it here:


Digital World Acquisition Company (DWAC) website: https://www.dwacspac.com/

Fox Town Hall: Host Laura Ingraham interviews Donald J. Trump: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-reveals-vp-shortlist-includes-desantis-scott-ramaswamy-noem-donalds-gabbard

Claudia Logan
Claudia Logan

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