Trump News Roundup: Blacks 4 Trump – Part 2

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“When you say you’re from New York they know you have smarts and you have heart. If anyone can save this country it’s someone from New York!”~Former President Donald J. Trump, Bronx Rally (May 23, 2024)

May 25, 2024–Trump swung for the fences in The Bronx Thursday night and hit a real New York Yankee-style homer. In a bold move being touted as historic, the former president took his America First, Make America Great Again message to The Bronx where Democrats have governed there with an iron fist for over a hundred years.

The crowd — a diverse mix of ‘Democrat’ Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and Whites numbered 3,500 inside the Crotona Park venue with an estimated 30,000 outside — could not have been more welcoming to New York’s native son, our 45th President of the United States. God willing if Mr. Trump wins New York he will be assured of becoming the 47th president.

Today the media is in full meltdown. In fact, we could cover clips of MSM anchors and Dem pols like Gov. Kathy Hochul and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in panic mode all day long. The media is in non-stop damage control.

Trump’s sterling — no, electrifying — rally Thursday brought together New Yorkers of all backgrounds and races revealing a latent political current swinging from Democrat voter strongholds (now ultra liberal if not Marxist) to Donald Trump due to his populist policies that promise a return to the peace and prosperity they enjoyed for four years when he was president.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper tried to keep a lid on the fact that there was a genuine groundswell of support in The Bronx for Trump that was unfolding before his eyes and neither he nor his reporter on the scene could control the optics. See screenshot.

Meanwhile on MSNBC, a black liberal activist audaciously told Joy Reid that Trump’s showing in The Bronx was not genuine. “Trump is still a racist,” he said. “He’s only doing this to show his white voters that they can get comfortable voting for him in case they don’t like his racism.” (Paraphrased).

This event marks the first time a Republican candidate for president has visited The Bronx for over a hundred years, according to Gavin Wax, head of the New York Young Republicans and event organizer. Wax pitched the idea to Trump months ago at a Young Republican Club Gala that Trump keynoted back in February. Wax and Team Trump pulled it off. He’s been giving media interviews for the last 48 hours. Go to Real America’s Voice to the Charlie Kirk Show or Jack Posobiec to find these interviews. Here is Wax’s Twitter feed:

Both Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter made trips to The Bronx in the 1980s and neither were warmly welcomed.

Trump’s populist message underlining the core principles of the American dream did not disappoint. He brought the heat and the light with his very best Make America Great Again principles after morning rainstorms threatened to wash out the event. The skies cleared despite New York’s 14th District Representative. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s wiccy-ish remark that the bad weather was an omen, saying, “God doesn’t want Trump in the Bronx.”

Turning Point USA put together this Instagram splicing AOC’s derisive comments with the obvious public support Trump received in The Bronx. Click to listen and see:

Earlier in that same clip, she outrageously claimed that Trump was only going to The Bronx out of ‘desperation’ because he was ‘broke’ and ‘he’s collecting money’ to ‘pay for his legal fees.’ To top off she scheduled a Town Hall in her district at same time as the rally and for all her ‘celebrity’ only a handful (all mask wearers) showed up.

This from a former bartender who was elected to Congress – her first real job – in a fluke election. This when entry to any Trump rally is free and always has been. He outraised Joe Biden’s campaign by $25 million for the month of April. And, with Truth Social going public his net worth doubled to an estimated $8 billion this year. His legal fees, however, are said to be at $1 billion.

Trump was the Same, but Different

Source: Dan Scavino (May 23, 2024)

Trump opened with a rousing summation of New York’s greatest attributes. Characteristically, Trump, a born and bred New Yorker and a second generation builder and real estate developer, leaned into his passion for building and his building vernacular to describe what lies at the core of the spirit of New York City:

“For my whole life I always thought that this city is a monumental testament to the power of the American spirit and the American dream. When New York started as a small rugged Dutch trading post near the tip of Manhattan in 1624 – what you see around you was nothing more than wilderness and marsh – but by the muscle and backbone and genius of the people of New York we built this city into the towering forest of iron, aluminum, concrete, and steel.”

“We made the city and state into the capital of global commerce.”

“We turned our home town into the bustling center of a confident glamourous American culture.”

“And we inspired the entire world. We inspired the world!”

“No matter where you went on this planet, everyone knew that when you said, ‘I’m a New Yorker’ it meant you had smarts, grit, you had energy and above all else you had heart. You had big big beautiful heart…”

“…but sadly this is now a city in decline.”

Donald J. Trump, Crotona Park, The Bronx, New York (May 23, 2024)

More than usual, he offered biographical details about how hard-working his father Fred was (he worked seven days a week), and of his days coming up in New York in real estate. He told the story of how he finished building Wollman Ice Rink in Central Park after The City ran into obstacles. (And, Mayor Koch resented him for it too.)

He said he has seen boom times, market crashes, and terrorist attacks, but nothing quite as sad as what the city is going through now with its:

“Filthy encampments of drugged out homeless people living in our places where children used to play, we have lunatics killing innocent bystanders by pushing them onto the railroad tracks for sport…DON’T WORRY IT GETS POSITIVE!…our subways are squalid and unsafe, the ceiling tiles are falling down and they look worse than a third world country, the medians of our highways are crumbling, our sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles and trash, but worst of all the discarded needles of people who are desperate for help…”

Trump, reading the crowd, paused his colorful litany to assure the crowd that his remarks would ‘get positive’ saying, ‘we’re going to win; we’re all winners here.’

To chants of USA USA USA just like in Anytown, USA, Trump bellowed, “Together we are going to make New York City great again and simultaneously we are going to make America great again!

Trump surprised with his pledge to work with the Democrat mayor of New York City, and Democrat governor of the state to solve problems. “I came here to solve problems,” he said, “And Joe Biden is not getting the job done.”

For the first time, he posited that the ‘military age men’ pouring over our border are maybe ‘a growing internal army.’ The MSM attacked this assertion as preposterous of course. To them, it’s a perfect example that he’s going to be a dictator or is still a racist or something like that.

The crowd loved every minute of Trump’s America First message – with its populist grounding and universal appeal – and they seemed inspired by his riffs on ‘success’ too.

Trump told a poignant story of the rise and fall of a real estate developer, William Levitt, who was called, ‘The Father of Modern Suburbia’. He built the first planned suburban communities in most notably New York and New Jersey. He made a fortune and then quit. “Took off for the South of France,” Trump told us. Then after buying back his own business he went back to work but the second time around he failed.

Why? A curious young Donald Trump told the audience he met him at a party back then and asked him about what happened and Levitt said, “Son, I lost momentum.” Trump exhorted the crowd to keep moving forward, “Never lose momentum,” he said, “It’s the most important thing.”

Breaking up the seriousness, Trump got back on track with:

“This is like a love fest. We love you!”

dONALD J. TRUMP – 23 May 2024

And it was a love fest…the crowd was peaceful throughout the day-long event. Not a single incident of violence or vandalism was reported and rumored protests from groups like the nurses union did not materialize.

Asking for votes of this Democrat crowd, Trump finally proclaimed: “You know if we win New York, we win the whole thing!”

Trump may tailor his rally speeches – he did for the Bronx crowd – but he never panders. He never puts on silly regional accents like Hillary famously did and he never outright lies like Biden. One day he’s a pilot, the next a war hero but the worst lie of all according to Trump is when he lies about his handicap in golf:-)

He did not tell the people of The Bronx they were victims of systemic racism as Biden did in his Morehouse commencement speech to black grads. He said together we can solve economic and social issues. Trump had laid out the case that under Biden inflation was taking its toll, crime was growing exponentially, and illegals were posing an existential threat to their neighborhoods.

He never bribed these potential new voters with goodies like Biden either. Biden has now handed out — against a Supreme Court ruling — over a billion dollars in student loan forgiveness payments.

The contrasts between Trump and Biden are stunning.

Democrats witnessed a wholesale shift in voter demographics this week and it has them running scared. Blacks and Hispanics are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation. The choice is theirs: Biden’s Santa Claus or Papa Trump? A handout or pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

Trump proved this week that his MAGA/America First platform has universal appeal – he took what his opponents have labeled as ‘white supremacist’ and worse – into the heart of urban America. He gave the people of The Bronx an uplifting empowering message that they can still hope for a brighter future.

Full video of Trump’s historic rally in The Bronx here:

Team Trump issued this powerful video campaign ad after the rally yesterday. It’s really good!

Scroll to Resources for a link to Dan Scavino’s photo gallery of The Bronx rally.

Aside from the magnificent show of force in The Bronx, we see clear evidence every day that black Democrat voters are turning their backs on Joe Biden (as they literally did when Biden gave a commencement speech a Morehouse College, an historically black college this week) and moving to Trump offering up unequivocal endorsements of him for president and by extension the MAGA platform.

Ruben Diaz, Sr., a lifelong Democrat who has been a fixture in New York City politics for decades and has served on the City County and was a longtime President of The Bronx offered Donald Trump his full endorsement. He said, “Only Trump has united blacks and Hispanics in the Bronx. Only Trump has paid us respect.” “We are telling everyone today that our candidate for the next President of the United States is — Donald Trump!” He also apologized to Trump for the piss-poor behavior he’s gotten in Judge Merchan’s court room. Trump looked genuinely moved.

Here Diaz calls out AOC as a false prophet. Click here:

Here is a sampling of Instagram posts in lead up to The Bronx event. Fox News host Rachel Campos Duffy interviews a man on the street before the rally — see underlining in screenshot. Or click the link to listen and watch:

Ryan Fournier, posted this vid on Instagram showing the crowds lining the route to Crotona Park for the Trump rally:

Another black voter voicing support for Trump. Click this link to see Benny Johnson’s Instagram video below and link here:

The New York Post inexplicably or maybe explicably depending on how you see their love-hate Trump coverage, ran this negative headline in their reporting from the scene in The Bronx the other night: “Thousands of Trump Fanatics Swarm NYC Park for Rally”


Trump campaigned to a crowd of D E M O C R A T S and F I R S T T I M E R A L L Y G O E R S. . .He is the first Republican to speak in The Bronx in over one hundred years!

Nevertheless, The Post chose snark over reality in its reporting. See if you can pick out:

This woman told The Post that Trump is the new Nelson Mandela. She is a black for Trump.

But yesterday, The Post did a follow-up story and ran this article. Dan Scavino posted the front-page image.

This just in! Rapper Waka Flocka has invited Trump to speak at a concert in Miami, Florida. Will Trump do it? That would really sink what’s left of the Democrat ship.


This spring the MSM enshrined pro-Hamas violent extremists at Columbia, UCLA, Harvard, and all too many other campuses as — wait for it — peaceful protestors who have a right to protest. They built encampments, took over campus buildings, made unreasonable demands regarding the conflict raging between Hamas and the state of Israel, and they trashed everything in their path all in the name of blatant anti-Semitic hatred that calls for genocide of the people of Israel.

At Morehouse College, a so-called historic black college, students there turned their backs on President Biden during its commencement address in a truly peaceful protest against the man and his policies. And this simple proportional gesture has gotten more pushback than pro-Hamas encampments at elite universities.

Liberal talk show host, Bill Maher, frankly told his audience that Biden’s speech was ‘okay for fifty years ago’ and that it was ‘anachronistic.’ Maher said, “Blacks today do not have to be ten times better.” Maher, who has been standing up for Israel and gotten backlash for it, is almost habitually speaking truth to power these days but still tows the Dem-Marxist media line.

C’mon man – get a load of #FJB’s ‘racist and patronizing’ speech at Morehouse. KEEP SCROLLING!!!


Between Morehouse and The Bronx rally, it is looking like the Democrat party grip on the black-brown vote is not only slipping but possibly sliding into the ocean. More anecdotal examples of blacks swinging to Trump below…

Must listen to this guy on Insta rap out – You Know the Hood Voting Trump. Note the comments in the screenshot. Link to video: https ://



Byron Donalds leapt on stage to say a few words at the Bronx rally. His name is on short list for VP even though he is a Representative in Congress from Florida and two candidates on the same ticket are not supposed to reside in the same state. His voice, stature, and loyalty to Trump has earned him praise and attention. Instagram screenshot below. Note the comments. Yes, Byron – Momentum is building!

Mark Robinson current Lt. Governor of North Carolina is running for governor of that state. Despite running for this key position, many put him on the short list for Vice President. Trump said of him at a NC rally recently, “Mark Robinson is Martin Luther King on steroids.” He is all in for Trump.

Kimberly Klacik did not win her race for a seat in Congress in Baltimore, MD. But she’s running again. Her posts have been spicey. She has been to Mar-a-Lago many times and is often photographed with Trump. She posted this meme recently:

Darius Mayfield, ran to represent the 12th district in New Jersey in the last election and lost and like Klacik he’s running again. He has been America First from the beginning, meets with Trump, and was on the ground for the historic Wildwood rally in NJ.

Today he posted Trump with rappers on stage with him Thursday in NYC. Trump joked to Sheff G that he wanted teeth like his. To huge applause Sheff G said, “One thing I wanna say they’re gonna whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. Trump is going to shout your wins for all of us! Trump is going to Make America Great Again…”

Click here for Facebook post:

Dem Media Panics after CNN Reported Trump is Polling at 22% with Black Voters

The results of this poll – which we wrote about last week here – touched off the media firestorm. Click on the link below. It might disappear:-)

If you watch one media meltdown clip in the sea of media meltdown clips, this one stands out. Almost every black interviewed by this MSNBC reporter brought up how offensive Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ remark was that he made with Charlemagne the God which they thought were racist and demeaning. (We covered it in Blacks 4 Trump – Part 1.)

But that’s not all – watch how this reporter has to do back-flips in the studio to cover-up the message these people were sending Biden, the Democrats – and yes, you the Lamestream Media!

Click to watch:

Mark May 23, 2024 as the day Donald Trump just might have sewn up the 2024 election! What a red letter day it would be for America when all Americans can take part in the American dream again, when all Americans can live in freedom again, when all Americans can set aside their differences and unite around solving the real problems that threaten to destroy this nation.

#OnlyTrump, a New Yorker, who came home to the ticker tape parade New York City should have thrown him in 2016, has any chance of saving America.


Go to @realDonaldTrump on Truth Social for more:

Dan Scavino photo album on Facebook of The Bronx Trump campaign rally (May 23, 2024). Screenshot and link:

Claudia Logan
Claudia Logan

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