An Astounding Report of All Things Trump
I am in the book trade and have read your book, The Elegant Trump. The book you have ‘created’ might be a better term. The book you wrote and created is not only a work of love as I look at its final form and content, but an astounding report of all things Trump. Those not blinded by the unrelenting hatred for Donald Trump, otherwise known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, will have an enormous amount of research about Donald Trump at their fingertips. Even liberals who might be interested in seeing the truth beyond the incessant hatred — the painting with a broad brush — will benefit from reading your book.
Like Trump or not he created history, not only with his ascendance to President of the United States but his whole life from his youth until the present is a biography worth knowing.
Your dedicated, well researched chapters on various periods of Trump life is admirable. I would expect Trump detractors to faint over it.
Your book is not a coffee table book even though the format may suggest it. I began reading it and started skipping the photos and delved into your compelling narrative, then I would go back to the photos. I could say more since this was such a delight for me to read.
Congratulations Claudia Logan, your solid knowledge of Trump’s life may perhaps make some people think more about their political affiliations. Thank you for your “elegant” intellectual effort!!”
~Mihai R, New York, New York