Trump Everything Everywhere All at Once

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A Campaign Event in New Hampshire, Sit-downs with Bannon and Farage; and Recent Policy and Polls…

You are not paying attention if you have not noticed just how hard Donald J. Trump is campaigning this time around. With two wins — one official and one unofficial — since 2015 his 2024 campaign is now a well-honed lean mean fighting machine.

His momentum this year particularly manifests in higher polls numbers shown in poll after poll (scroll down) that has him up by 30-36 points over Mr. Unannounced, Ron DeSantis. His lead is virtually insurmountable, but don’t tell the RNC or Ron’s RINO backers.

Of the so-called right-leaning media, only Fox (in a ratings collapse after firing Tucker Carlson’s 8 pm show that drew 3.5 million viewers a night), and Ben Shapiro head of The Daily Wire who over the last seven years loves to hate Trump and hates to love Trump, continue to believe that Ron DeSantis can somehow overtake Donald Trump to win the 2024 nomination. Everyone else it seems is advising DeSantis to stay out of the race because the odds are against him. (This Business Insider, article attests to his latest woe, “DeSantis gave a ‘low-wattage’ and ‘horrendous’ speech in London as presidential polling slides: ‘Nobody in the room was left thinking, ‘this man’s going places.’‘)

Every week we see Trump headlining campaign events, making policy videos, stirring the pot on social media, sitting down for big interviews or surprising us with something newsworthy as he did this week when he broke ground on a new golf resort in Aberdeen, Scotland (scroll down for more). You will recall that last week he launched a new book, “Letters to Trump” which hit #1 on Amazon the first day!

Two New Agenda 47 Policy Videos

We know Donald Trump’s MAGA schtick by heart and yet it is obvious he takes great care to pump out new proposals whether at events, in his 3-minute policy vids, or in sit downs with big-audience journalists. He never ceases to call out deep state bad actors, keeping pressure on the factions arrayed against him which he bluntly calls ‘liars and scoundrels.’

We say ‘Trump was right’ for good reason because he almost always is with the possible exception of the vaccine. (Close Trump watchers and critics wish he would say more about it and ask legitimate questions such as, did he push the vaccine too much? should he have fired Anthony Fauci? and so on.)

He is genuinely stunned however as are we that he has to call for ‘parental rights’ to be protected from ‘dangerous Marxists’ who are infiltrating education, medicine, and even the military with their radical trans agenda. After seven years of campaigning, Trump remains the clarion populist voice on the right despite some well-known negatives. His policy videos attest to the breadth and scope of his attention to the problems we face since he left office.

On May 2, Trump issued a policy video, “Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs”:

On May 3, Trump issued a policy video on Biden revoking Title 42:

Campaign 2024 Event: Trump Visits the First Primary State, New Hampshire

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Trump was joined on stage with some 50 New Hampshire state representatives who endorsed his candidacy before the event and comprise his New Hampshire leadership team. In roll call fashion, he named every single legislator who endorsed him from the podium and then he followed it up with publishing the full list in an ICYMI email blast. This is Trump’s signature common touch in action that so many other standard-issue politicians do not possess.

He unveiled a new nickname for Sleepy Joe. He now calls him Crooked Joe saying he is retiring the moniker Crooked Hillary. The unveiling coincides with more evidence of Biden’s direct involvement in bribery schemes involving foreign countries. Sen. Chuck Grassley is reportedly on the verge of releasing documents revealing this fact to the public soon.

Trump declared — just one item in a long list of promises and priorities for his second term — that “We will enact the largest domestic deportation initiative in American history” due to the millions upon millions coming across our open southern border. With Title 42 expiring soon, millions more will come in all at once very soon. Trump estimates that some 15 million people have illegally crossed our border since he left office which he says is ‘the size of New York State.’

The deportation scheme follows the Eisenhower model he put forth in the 1950s that is referred to as Operation Wetback. Most historians and pundits believe Trump’s plan would be unworkable and deplore as ‘white supremacist.’

The Daily Caller covers the Trump NH event even-handedly here:

Once again, we offer an apology for not dropping in the video of Trump’s campaign event in New Hampshire. The link below was posted by Donald Trump on Facebook. Click to see video of the full event:

Up, Up, Up and Away: Polls Show a Trump Blowout

Rich Baris, Senior Editor, People’s Pundit on Steve Bannon’s War Room has been appearing a several times a week digging into the polls and trends behind the polls for the 2024 Republican primary and the race in general.

At 6:30 in the first clip below, Bannon launches into DeSantis’s failing poll numbers in the newly released Emerson poll saying it’s ‘jaw dropping’ evidence that he shouldn’t run.

Baris offers that people have known DeSantis is not a likeable guy and it’s just showing up in polls. “He’s a little bit odd and everybody knows it,” said Baris.

With recent scrutiny, DeSantis polled at 16% to Trump’s 62%. RFK, Jr. is polling higher on the Democrat side, notes Baris.

Joe Biden is the first and only candidate to win the nomination by skipping these ‘personal states’ – namely the first primary state of New Hampshire.

He and Bannon and Darren Beatty (in the studio with Bannon in these clips) of Revolver News have politely and with as much diplomacy as they can muster, been urging Ron DeSantis to sit out this election cycle based on these numbers. It is commendable that they take great care to laud DeSantis as a good, if not great, governor in Florida but have concluded he is not ready to take Trump on and would be committing career suicide if he announces a run.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Baris offers his wealth of knowledge about polling and the political winds supporting the numbers. He says Nate Silver’s removal is a ‘stink’ on polling that shouldn’t happen as polls are not tools of propaganda. He and Bannon note too that Biden skipping NH once again tells us he will repeat his basement campaign skipping retail politics.

Baris is hard-pressed to find a demographic DeSantis can win over in the primaries; Bannon calls the race a blow-out for Trump and urges the RNC to skip the debates as will the DNC. “The RNC is talking about going to the Reagan Library. Why would Trump debate against the Keebler elves?” says Bannon.

Baris with Bannon clips from this past week here:

In the latest poll done by the McLaughlin Group, Trump is ahead of DeSantis by 36 points with Trump at 52% and DeSantis at 16%.

This is the Emerson poll that made headlines this week:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Fox has notoriously performed polls during Trump’s three runs that are less favorable toward him than most voters might think is true but even Fox shows Trump with a 32 point lead over DeSantis.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Interactive Polls is based on 538 polling, formerly run by Nate Silver, who was fired by ABC parent Disney a day after Tucker Carlson was let go last week. The Hollywood Reporter broke the story. It is unclear from their follow up article whether the 538 brand that Silver founded (first at The New York Times) will remain. Reading between the lines – article here – it seems as if ‘streamlining data journalism’ in the run up to the 2024 election might be code for: We’d like to have more control over the data especially since we see Trump is polling off the charts. But that’s just me.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Letters to Trump Anecdotes: Trump with Bannon at Mar-a-Lago

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

After a book promo for “Letters to Trump” that he narrates, Trump continues to draw the curtain back on the relationships he has had – in varying degrees – over the last 50 years with famous people spanning politics, entertainment, the media, and sports.

Here Trump tells Bannon about the enmity the likes of Rosie, and Whoopi, and Oprah all felt for Trump before he ran for office. His relationship with Andrew Lloyd Webber and his wife, singer Sarah Brightman surfaces here too. The list of people Trump knew and who wrote to him is eye-popping. Bannon is particularly struck by the thanks Trump received from so many he did favors for.

Tune in!

Link to video on GETTR:

Trump Lands in Aberdeen and Meets with Nigel Farage at Turnberry, Scotland

Some screenshots of Donald Trump disembarking from Trump Force One in Aberdeen, Scotland.

If you can stand the sound of bagpipes (and it doesn’t remind you only of former AG Bill Barr), there is a nice video of his arrival at the airport in Scotland here too:

The background graphs in news of Trump’s trip to Scotland, his first in five years, were an excuse to insert salacious mentions of the ongoing Stormy Daniels and E. Jean Carroll cases. Below is a Trump Organization webpage detailing plans for the new Trump golf course in Aberdeen. Trump is dedicating the course to his mother who is Scottish. The timing is fitting as Mother’s Day is tomorrow.

Trump Turnberry is unquestionably a world class golf destination. Many historic golf tournaments have been held at Turnberry, notably the 1977 Open Championship, the “Duel in the Sun” when Tom Watson beat Jack Nicklaus on the final green. The last major tournament to be held there was the Women’s RICOH British Open in 2015.

Other unforgettable legendary tourneys are highlighted in this link:

Scroll down for full video of the interview with Donald Trump at Turnberry.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".
A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Photo credit: Stuart Mitchell/GB News

That Man Biden is Incompetent

Nigel Farage and Donald Trump cover a lot of ground in this interview. Farage applauds Trump for the obvious success of his Turnberry golf resort. It is a beloved golf destination for the world’s top golfers. Alas! Golf mucky-mucks poo-pooh any notion that the British Open tourney will be played again at Donald Trump’s Turnberry.

Trump went into some gruesome detail about birds being crushed by blades of windmills and decried wind energy in general. His aesthetic bent always comes out if one listens closely. “Have you seen how rusty and dirty the windmills themselves get!” he said. He has made similar observations about the horrible rusted metal used in the border wall.

Talk of the coronation ensued. Of course Trump said that Joe Biden should be attending. “When the president doesn’t come to a coronation of the new King and Queen of your country [Britain]. That’s horrible. The reason is he’s sleeping. It shouldn’t happen.”

In this clip, Trump iterates for the umpteenth time (when will the world listen?) that he will end the war in Ukraine in ‘one day’:

Trump’s New Campaign Ad

Coming Attractions

Supposedly Trump wants to make nice with the alphabets. Watch for a CNN Town Hall in New Hampshire next week.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Trump rally is Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday, May 13th. Details here:

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Claudia Logan

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