Trumps Goes Into the Lion’s Den on CNN + Wins

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Trump is back with zingers like, Drill Baby, Drill! he wipes the floor with CNN’s ‘nasty person’ Kaitlan Collins; We the People Starred!

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

May 12, 2023–The backlash from Donald Trump’s appearance this week on CNN in a Town Hall format that aired in primetime was swift and severe and as of today shows no sign of abating.

Everyone in Trump World on the other hand — from his voters, to right-leaning media outlets who are essentially risking their lives every day (Steve Bannon’s home was swatted today) to cover the former president in a semblance of free and fair media coverage — was over-the-moon about what Steve Bannon keeps calling his, “command performance” in the CNN Town Hall.

Blown away by Trump’s performance, Dan Bongino declared, “What was CNN thinking? He freakin’ body bagged CNN. The primary is over…he was in rare form. Last night CNN thought it would be the kill shot for Trump and it turned out that it was the kill shot for them.” He also pretty much tells Ron DeSantis (as did Steve Bannon) because of Trump’s dominant performance to forget about running. For more, listen here.

Since announcing, Trump has been undeniably ascendent in this election cycle, and the CNN Town Hall topped off most people’s positive perception that the old Trump of 2015 is back. It is hard to pinpoint why 2020 seems so different by comparison.

The media yet again made the same errors regarding Trump as they have in the past, namely believing that he would somehow not be up to the grilling he would receive by the moderator — trained as she was to get Trump — and, believing their own PR — that is, every lie they’ve told about Trump over the last seven years is now indisputable fact. This is the bubble they live in and it is their Achilles heel and Trump took full advantage of it this week just as did when Fox aired his rallies in 2015 thinking he would shoot himself in the foot.

For media folks when the audience cheered Trump’s answers — when they laughed with him over quick retorts, and not at him — it was as if another pandemic had been unleashed. You could hear the media’s heads exploding as they went scrambling for their hazmat suits.

The media thought they had him caged (are the on-stage images suggestive of just that? – scroll to the end of this article) by de-platforming him on social media and tying him up in bogus court cases. For years the media has colluded with ‘the powers that be’ to craft ever more outlandish narratives designed to destroy him. They believe their narratives are bulletproof — whether about J6 being an insurrection that he led, or that not a single instance of voter fraud in the 2020 election occurred to name just two intricately woven lies.

One can hear the unspoken mantra: No one will ever utter his name again! And, if people dare laugh at his jokes, are entertained by his television appearances, or worse, actually hear what he has to say — there will be more hell to pay. Republican Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, rebuked Trump for his Town Hall behavior saying it was ’embarrassing.’ Sununu is mulling a run and this is how he goes up against Trump? He’s the embarrassment, but it shows how out of step he and still too many establishment Republicans are with the MAGA movement while revealing their desire to shame Trump supporters. Here.

The Money Quotes

Yet CNN not only allowed Trump to make a primetime appearance on their network after a very long absence, they allowed average New Hampshire voters to be in the audience to round out the Town Hall format and they were — gasp! — Republicans!

Imagine typical Americans in the audience, citizens of New Hampshire, asking Donald Trump questions. It’s shocked the aitch out of Trump opponents.

We the People of New Hampshire came prepared. They asked relevant questions on everything from pardoning the J6 prisoners to border security to inflation to the war in Ukraine. Most questions were couched as, “If you were president again, Mr. President, what would you do about X?”

Asked about what he would do to bring down inflation, Trump bluntly said:

“Drill Baby, Drill!”

The audience exploded in applause.

Trump went on to explain how important it is that we return to his energy independent policies which kept the price of a gallon of gas low compared to the average price at the pump today that is between $3-4.00/gallon.

Collins tried unsuccessfully to nail him about supporting Ukraine over Russia incessantly begging, “Do you want Ukraine to win? Why don’t you want Ukraine to win? Why won’t you answer that?”

Trump, not taking the bait, calmly said, “Killing all these people has to stop.”

Imagine the gall it takes for a former president — or anyone for that matter — to make a claim that the world just might be better off if ‘the killing [between Russia and Ukraine] stopped.’ Trump is the only world leader to call for peace and has volunteered to mediate peace talks between the two countries. So far no takers. “If elected again” Trump has promised “to end that war within a day.”

This one little truth bomb set the media verse on fire but there were many many more like it.

At one point, when Collins was being particularly annoying, Trump looked at her and said, “You’re a nasty person.” The audience cheered. (This only added fuel to critics that so-called Deplorables are indeed, deplorable.)

Collins, rather than moderating a Town Hall, saw fit to bite at Trump’s heels all night. She rudely interrupted every answer and pelted with questions that merely revealed she had drawn her own conclusions. She was (in her suspiciously Democrat female important person white pants suit) hostile and unprofessional for the entire show. Her Get Trump activism is precisely how the bosses at CNN wanted her to treat Donald Trump.

Credit to Donald Trump for his ability to spit out one-liners, keeping his cool under fire.

Scroll Revolver coverage – one of the best ‘our side’ rundowns – for highlights of the evening. Link below.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Revolver article here:

CNN Gets Torched for ‘Allowing’ Trump’s Town Hall Appearance!

The powers that be really do hate your free speech and they really do believe that only Democrats (calling them that for the sake of simplicity) should be granted the right to free speech. Quite unbelievably, we see more evidence every day that leftists in this country are anti-first amendment rights.

Certainly, no self-respecting legacy media outlet like CNN should think it wise to invite a former president, the primary purveyor of misinformation, and current frontrunner in the 2024 presidential race to speak to ordinary Americans for a full hour without some sort of intervention, right?

According to the likes of AOC who was horrified the show managed to air, Trump is a lying misogynist right-wing fascist extremist insurrectionist who just made fun of a ‘rape victim’ on national TV and therefore the public should be protected from his dangerous speech.

CNN got so anxious about the obvious positive impact Trump made with the audience while he tamed their yappy lap dog moderator Kaitlan Collins, that they pulled the plug on the broadcast. Trump was initially slotted 90 minutes which was cut to 70.

A panel aired afterward, and that did not go as well for CNN as they thought either due to strong push back from big Trump supporter Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds.

Watch Donalds own the likes of Van Jones, David Axelrod, and Anderson Cooper here. Donalds said afterward, “Donald Trump walked into the lion’s den on CNN and I walked in right after him.”

It’s a thing of beauty to see a Republican push back against their insipid lies. Donalds was so effective in this appearance, it now occurs to me he might be a good Trump VP pick, but oh, drat! He represents Florida’s 13th district and two people from the state (same would be true with Ron DeSantis) cannot appear on the same ballot for president.


AOC appearing on MSNBC scolded CNN for giving Trump air time. For more, click here.

A sampling of post-event news blurbs tells more of the story:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Elsewhere strong verbiage like “Trump hijacks CNN” or “Trump steamrolls Kaitlan Collins” was in evidence. The left-wing media called it a “Trump infomercial,” “CNN got dunked on” while others like AOC attacked CNN for it’s egregious error saying “CNN failed America” and “Trump turns CNN Town Hall into Televised Combat.”

Here is a link to the full CNN transcript:

Here CNN purports to ‘fact check’ the president focusing on his attacks on their January 6 narrative:

Today Trump Defended CNN

CNN’s Trump Town Hall drew Tucker-on-Fox numbers as The Hill reported, “The network drew more than 3 million people, far above anything CNN had been attracting lately in the 8 p.m. time slot.”

Click here to get the full article.

More Memes and a New T-Shirt

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

CNN is on fire! It just keeps getting better, link to Gateway Pundit with more memes here.

Democrats live by the maxim, “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” – well, Donald J. Trump never misses an opportunity to push more merch. Team Trump issued a new t-shirt today after Trump triumphed in the CNN Town Hall:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Lastly, what do we make of the deep vertical lines – evident in this screenshot – that were part of the staging of last night’s event? Almost an optical illusion – one minute the lines looked black and as if in the foreground and the next it shifted to blue lines in the background. Not to spook anyone, but I see a cage like that of a jail.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Trump Calls America a Third World Nation After Title 42 Expires

On a serious and sad note, Trump issued this video today too — He has declared that the United States is now a ‘third world nation’ and reiterates his desire to deport millions of illegals if elected. How can any president save this country now?

Coming Attractions

Trump Rally in Iowa Today at 4 pm!

Claudia Logan

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