Trump Was Right!

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Not Just a Hoax, a Coup!

May 19, 2023–Trump has never been more right than he was this week when Russia Collusion Probe Special Counsel, John Durham, dropped his 306-page report four years after he was hired to investigate the case.

The long-delayed conclusion allowed the Russia, Russia, Russia! false narrative to dog then candidate Trump and then President Trump with the media presuming his guilt for seven long years.

Trump has said the FBI (combined with other agencies) involvement in the plot against him is a coup and that it negatively impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections. After shocks can be felt even in the 2024 campaign.

Trump-favorable pundits say the report is an utter and complete vindication of Trump’s repeated assertion of his innocence. He has called it a ‘total hoax’ almost every time he has issued public remarks since it was unleashed against him. He always fingered Hillary Clinton, his Democrat opponent in the 2016 race, as the chief architect of the plot to smear him with likely voters and to render him ineffective in office.

Trump has obviously been and rightfully so outraged and frustrated with the entrenched nature of this total fabrication. The legacy media, for its part, has never ceased to falsely accuse Donald Trump of Russian collusion. And, in the wake of the Durham report just being made public, nothing has changed. Hillary Clinton of course has been claiming since the day she lost to Donald Trump that he worked hand-in-glove with Russia’s Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election from her.

The media in concert with various alphabet agencies most notably the FBI and DOJ but also the CIA deliberately lied to the America people when they said Donald Trump worked with Russia to swing an election.

The Mueller Report of course addressed the veracity of the Russian collusion narrative first and issued its findings in March 2019, exonerating Trump of wrong-doing.

Despite exonerating Trump yet again, John Durham shamefully did not recommend any charges against the dozens of deep state players from former FBI head, James Comey, to various FBI operatives involved in the scheme like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to John Brennan, then head of the CIA, who together carried out “Operation Crossfire,” code name for the coup. The lack of criminal referrals allows the MSM to continue to downplay the seriousness of the role various federal agencies led by one candidate for president (with the likely help of a sitting president) against a private citizen and candidate for president, Donald J. Trump.

We found out this week that meetings to discuss how to execute the plan were held in the Oval Office with then President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Susan Rice present.

We use the short-hand ‘Russian collusion’ or just ‘Russia, Russia, Russia!” now to stand in for the myriad details we were following at the outset of this ‘hoax’ – ‘the greatest crime of the century’ as Trump refers to it. We have followed the crime of the century with bated breath and know the contents of that dossier by heart, long before Durham issued his report.

First there were the salacious assertions of Trump’s sexual activity laid out in the Trump dossier — which was written by Hillary Clinton and her paid operatives — and then submitted to the FISA court to obtain a warrant in order to spy on the Trump campaign.

The notion that somehow – to cop a phrase Obama often uses – Trump peed on a prostitute in a Moscow hotel room in a room Trump specifically requested because Obama had stayed in it meant he was working with Putin as a spy. It was so salacious that any judge worth their salt presented with this material would find it risible.

But the FISA court okayed the warrant.

And that my friends was the first tangible step these bad actors achieved in an effort to ruin Donald Trump’s chances of winning the presidency in 2016.

Had the FISA court been a neutral party, this ruse would have ended there. It is called a ‘secret court’ but it sits under the Supreme Court and Chief Justice, John Roberts, could have stepped in to cure it but he remained on the sidelines.

The nature and scope of the scandal had been set in motion.

A lot of people had to go along with it to pull it off too.

Trump said this week that if he had not fired Comey when he did — one of the few upper echelon people he did fire — he might have been removed from office.

The report took four years to come to fruition, and cost $6 million. Recall that it was Trump’s AG turncoat Bill Barr who named John Durham as special counsel to investigate the case. Barr admitted this week, after trashing Trump in the media for several months recently, that the report clears Trump.

This meme (left) captures what the FBI did to their president. (Right) The New York Post ran a surprising headline.

Trump phones in to the Dan Bongino Podcast to discuss the Durham report:

Trump response to the Durham report with Grant Stinchfield, host of Stinchfield Tonight:

Trump Did His Own Roundup of Durham Report News

Donald Trump aggregates salient news coverage found on his website of the Durham report here:

One of Trump’s early Truth Social responses:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Of Course the FBI Does Not Agree with Durham’s Findings

Highlights of Durham’s findings from a Fox article takes the FBI to task.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” the report said.

Fox News, May 15, 2023 – reported by Brandon Gillespie and Brooke Singman

“This information in part triggered and sustained Crossfire Hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation,” the report said. “In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump’s political opponents.”

Fox News, May 15, 2023 – reported by Brandon Gillespie and Brooke Singman

The FBI said in a statement to Fox News:

“The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented,” the FBI said. 

Fox News, May 15, 2023 – reported by Brandon Gillespie and Brooke Singman

Full article here.

Read the Actual Report

Look at the ‘all time high’ odds Trump commands at 70% in the race against DeSantis (image right). Trump polled at 62% this week crossing the 60% mark; DeSantis dropped to 17% (image left).

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Latest Polling: Trump’s Massive Lead Over Challengers

Some people claim that political race oddsmakers are more reliable than traditional Rasmussen-style models. Maybe we’ve turned to Las Vegas sports bookmakers since Jimmy the Greek, called the Truman win over Dewey, a 17-1 long shot, when everyone else thought Dewey would win. The reason? “Dewey has a moustache and Americans don’t like moustaches,” said Jimmy the Greek. He was right. The Chicago Daily Tribune, got it wrong, and famously prematurely issued its headline: “Dewey Defeats Truman.” (Life magazine article and photo here.)

We’re hearing that Ron DeSantis pinky swears he will announce his entry into the race ‘some time next week.’

Will the DeSantis announcement shift the polls?

Dick Morris said on Newsmax earlier this week that he believes DeSantis poll numbers will actually go down once he formally declares but that candidates usually get a bump in the polls upon entering. This is due to the fact that Ron DeSantis has mismanaged his shadow campaign for months, claims Morris.

Ann Coulter famously said toward the end of the 2016 cycle that ‘Donald Trump was in the closing argument phase of the campaign; not the discussion stage.’ It feels the same now only we are a year ahead of schedule. The consultant class and RINO minions on social media believe however that Trump is beatable even though the numbers say otherwise. And, maybe he is but only if, like the Democrats in 2020, they steal the primaries from him.

Rich Baris, who has been astonished by Trump’s poll numbers, is saying that no candidate has ever been this far ahead this early in a presidential primary contest. According to Baris, “Every candidate in the modern era in the position Trump is in now wins the nomination.”

DeSantis is in the hole in his home state of Florida too. Newsmax is reporting that two out of three Florida voters prefer Donald Trump and nearly the entire Florida Congressional delegation endorsed Trump weeks ago. Article here.

Truth Social Merger on Hold

Republicans have been — ever since winning the majority in the House of Representatives in the 2022 mid-terms — executing a full-court press against federal government agencies weaponizing their power to diminish, marginalize, or even ruin conservative Americans.

The persecution of President Trump is emblematic of the partisan witch hunts we’ve seen. Trump always reminds us too that, ‘they are not really after me, they’re after you.’ The list of targeted groups this DOJ — a police state arm of the Democrat party — is going after includes parents who speak out at school boards and ordinary Catholics.

Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social, is telling us that now the SEC has become politicized or weaponized against Trump’s social media platform as it continues to withhold approval for more than a year for an application for a financial merger between TS and Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), a special purpose acquisition corporation (SPAC). The merger would infuse TS with hundreds of millions in investment.

Truth Social wants to grow the company and it has been stymied by the SECs foot-dragging.

John Solomon for Just the News reports in an article titled, “Trump’s Truth Social soars to best month ever, as lawmakers question SEC behavior in merger review.”

Trump Media and Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes told Just the News last month he believes the SEC was slow-walking the approval for Digital World’s application in order to starve Truth Social of investment dollars. “You have three people that are clearly involved in this transaction, or non-transaction, trying to basically kill our ability to have access to the public markets,” he said.

But Republicans in Congress want answers:

“The SEC has just got to get answers to people,” House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R-Wisc.) told the “Just the News, Not Noise” television show. “What they can’t do is put people in a black box and not let them know what’s going on.

“This is the broader concern with the Securities and Exchange Commission — that they’re focused on a woke political agenda rather than focused on their job. The SEC deserves to be at least able to tell people the answers and let them know where they’re at in the process. Incredibly frustrating.”

Read the full report here:

FYI: Shocking Trump Backstabbers

John Fredericks, host of Outside the Beltway, exposes the latest former Trumpers who are jumping ship and backstabbing their former boss. We’ve known that Ken Cuccinelli who hated Trump in 2016 then somehow begged his way into a high-level job in the Trump administration then months ago started the Ron DeSantis Never Back Down PAC.

Number two Backstabber is Adam Laxalt. Must listen to Fredericks anecdote regarding Laxalt’s relationship with Trump who endorsed him for Senate in Utah. Sound familiar? (Now we know why he didn’t fight the results of that election…)

We hear that Rick Perry, former Energy Secretary under Trump, who followed the same trajectory of hate-love-hate Trump as so many is again anti-Trump and thinking of — wait for it — throwing his hat into the ring for president. There is of course monetary benefit to these candidates. These are vanity runs in the main and exist to let us know that RINOs can still raise a stink by taking pot shots at Donald Trump.

Lastly — and this really does shock — economist Steve Cortes — who has appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room for the last two years as a rock solid America First Trump and former Trump hire is now the Communications Director for a DeSantis PAC. Need to see if Steve Bannon has cut him loose. It is not clear yet.

There is a real sickness in the Republican party. Cannot label. Can only offer that we know backstabbing and disloyalty at this level never happens in the Democrat party.

Listen to the Fredericks report at 2:30 here:

Melania is All In with Agenda 47

Inquiring minds always want to know what is going on with Melania Trump. There is never much news about her but what is surfacing these days is positive. Melania is apparently enthusiastic about her husband’s 2024 run and is all in with Agenda 47.

Fox reports that the First Lady,

Since leaving Washington D.C., Mrs. Trump has extended the program, and founded “Fostering the Future,” a “Be Best” initiative aimed at granting computer science scholarships to children aging out of the foster care system, and giving them the academic foundation needed to secure technology-based jobs so that they can become independent and contributing members of society.

Fox News, Brooke Singman, May 9, 2023
A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

We hope to see more of Melania Trump. We will keep you posted.

Coming Events, Miscellany

Is a Fox Trump Town Hall in the works?

Fox News reached out to Donald Trump on the back of the CNN Town Hall once the ratings came in for that hour.

CNN earned Tucker Carlson-like numbers with 3.2 million viewers for the Trump Town Hall which fell below one million the next night during the same time slot.

Fox used Trump to boost ratings particularly during the 2015-2016 election cycle when it carried Trump’s rallies. Fox fell off Trump event coverage however during the 2020 election cycle. Now Fox is playing ball with Donald Trump again after reports have indicated that the Murdoch’s would not cover Trump’s 2024 campaign.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Trump to Speak at the Georgia GOP State Convention June 10th

John Fredericks reported on Real America’s Voice yesterday that President Trump had just announced he will speak to the Georgia State Convention on June 10th.

Why is this important?

It is the first time a president has spoken at a Georgia state convention. Trump is therefore demonstrating how important winning Georgia is. It is also a key strategic move since (R) Gov. Brian Kemp announced a few weeks ago that he was launching his own ‘shadow’ GA state GOP campaign operation with the expressed mission to ensure Trump loses the state again in 2024.

Fredericks has been reporting that Trump has locked in 80% of that state’s delegates to the convention.

This might mean RINO Kemp and his nefarious Trump hating allies like GA Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger, have been thwarted.

Mourning in America – New Trump Ad

Please open and share. Trump is, if nothing else, one helluva marketer.

    Claudia Logan

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