Trump is like: “I’m Unstoppable Today…I Don’t Need Batteries”

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And that was Before Ron Von Hindenburg Failed to Launch!

May 26, 2023–Did anyone foresee that Boy Wonder Elon Musk’s newly revamped Twitter platform would crash when he agreed to run audio of his ‘interview’ (in the best infomercial-esque format in the market today) with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a Twitter Spaces special program to finally and formally announce his run for President of the United States?


Well, I have to admit I did and I didn’t.

I did not think for a minute that Musk, by all accounts a genius in engineering (having founded Tesla and SpaceX to pioneer electric vehicles and commercial travel into space respectively), would not have at least performed a mic check before the event was to air. Apparently his team did not.

Forgetting the maxim that one measures twice and cuts once, the program crashed only minutes into going live!

Musk and DeSantis were already a half hour late with millions waiting to hear what DeSantis would say in his announcement.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Twitter’s tech guys finally jerry-rigged the feed and The Oligarch and The Meatball were back up. Sorry.

The damage was done. By the time Musk and DeSantis were back, Failure to Launch memes — many coming from Team Trump — were breaking the internet and DeSantis woke up this morning (probably with a whopping hangover) to a slew of new nicknames and not all of them came from infamous nick-namer, Donald J. Trump who swung into action flooding social media with one hilarious meme after another. Like OMG this:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

For this and more like it, click Trump’s Truth Social feed:

Know Your Meme is a great resource for tracking breaking news that goes viral. KYM is still tracking the activity on this story but so far, this is how bad the blowback has been. Peruse here:

I did sense however that DeSantis was headed for a John Dean-scream moment when I watched this clip of him being asked by a reporter recently in Japan if Donald Trump’s high poll numbers bothered him. Scroll down to, ‘Endorsement Trackers are as Predictive as Polls: Guess Who Leads?’ in my April 24, 2023 Trump News Roundup here.

There is so much one can say about this ‘DeSaster’ which in less than 24 hours as of this writing has marred the DeSantis launch announcement as the worst presidential campaign launch in history.

Stay tuned for a separate piece on this coming in a few days.

But let’s get to Trump news…

Trump is Dominating Every Poll

The song, “Unstoppable” by singer Sia, came to mind this week as hearing that Trump is still dominating in every poll. This just sounds like where Trump is right now:

I’m unstoppable
I’m a Porsche with no brakes
I’m invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I’m so powerful
I don’t need batteries to play
I’m so confident
Yeah, I’m unstoppable today

“Unstoppable” lyrics by Sia Furler

Mind you, polls here were all taken before Ron DeSantis announced. Will update next week.

But if you want to add sensationalism to your social media threads, the graphic below is of the widest spread between Trump and DeSantis in the 2024 National Republican Primary put out on May 24. Trump has 69% to DeSantis at 13%. Voters were asked who they would vote for in their state if the primary were held on the day polled. Trump was the overwhelming winner.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Laura Ingraham’s Polling Hit Piece on Trump

Just a heads up, Fox is starting to shift its polls away from Trump toward DeSantis. This should not surprise anyone as Fox polling has been suspect for years. Trump has carped about its bias toward him since 2015. There always was a disparity back then between the Fox that gleefully aired his rallies but would downplay support using polls as the measure. With Ron DeSantis as the Fox Corporation pick over Trump in the primary race and now that he is officially in as of Wednesday, it was inevitable that Fox News would begin to shade its polling data.

Fox News anchor, Laura Ingraham, aired poll numbers on May 23rd showing Trump losing Georgia and Arizona; and had Trump neck-and-neck with DeSantis in Rust Belt states.

If you Google this story, you will see how every media outlet characterizes Trump’s rebuttal to Ingraham.

Mediaite article here is one example. Trump’s response on Truth Social to Ingraham was:

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Morning Consult polled voters this week asking who they would vote for in their state primary if the ‘election were held today’ and the spread between Trump and DeSantis is virtually the same as the Clarity poll above. Both polls were taken before Ron DeSantis announced his run.

Click here:

If you really want to blow up social media discussion threads, quote the Emerson poll that shows Trump beats Biden in the general election by 11 points. Emerson polls seems to be the one that right-leaning pundits cite the most. Full coverage from the New York Post here.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

State-by-state polling is becoming more relevant as we get closer to actual primary voting. Trump’s lead in the all-important Iowa Caucus mirrors the spread we’ve seen between him and DeSantis for weeks. Iowa is the first primary state and candidates who come in outside of the top three typically drop out of the race. DeSantis backers have deep pockets and would likely urge him to press on regardless of his chances.

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Policy for Days

Trump has refined his pro-life messaging and in a phone interview with John Solomon and Amanda Heard on Real America’s Voice (who were reporting this week from the National Religious Broadcasters association convention), the former president offered his comments on many issues ranging from the border, to the news that the FBI has violated not only his civil liberties but the liberties of some 278,000 others, the so-called ‘boxes’ cases regarding the handling of his presidential papers, and his recent thoughts surrounding abortion and his ideas to reduce the number of abortions in this country by incentivizing adoption. This comes in the wake of the Dodd decision that in effect reversed Roe v. Wade by allowing states to adopt their own laws regarding a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion and under what circumstances. Trump has been saying the Dodd decision gives pro-life conservatives more leverage in the discussion. Now Trump would like to see adoption incentivized more through an ‘army of parents’ who might come forward to adopt babies. His thoughts on abortion at 11:45 and on adoption at 14:28. Please listen.

John Solomon’s article published at Just the News is here.

More Policy: Axios Reports

A picture frame with the words " golden rule ".

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios. Photos: Mandel Ngan (AFP)/Getty Images

I could red pencil this Axios article, “Trump’s 2025 vision, revealed” to amend for its obvious slant. Another thing on my to do list for next week.

Axios runs down Trump’s 2024 policies covering the gamut from presidential pardons to handling the war in Ukraine to his proposals for solutions to crime, abuses in law enforcement/intel agencies, bolstering 2A, and revamping education. Trump wants to remove Marxist judges; and will take on gender ideology which has become so entrenched in our institutions so quickly.

One other proposal that is not getting much attention — see link to Trump policy video in the Axios article — is his idea to create ‘Freedom Cities’ which he says will bring about a baby boom in America and will be, “a quantum leap to revolutionize the American standard of living.”

When was the last time any president or any other individual has proposed something this bold?

For more, read the Axios article here.


A few media assets to spread on social media…

Claudia Logan

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A time magazine cover with an image of president trump.