Gallery: Compare & Contrast Memes, Cartoons

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. No other era has borne out that truism like communicating on social media with memes and cartoons or any templated visual asset. Memes can be the perfect way to communicate real-time sentiment. Pros deliberately craft memes to go viral with millions of users but just about everyone on social media is creating their own.

There has never been a time in any of our lives when our politics and social views have been more polarized. Memes attest to the chasm that exists between Republicans and Democrats in this country or in general between what we define as left-wing and right-wing political ideologies.

This divide makes meme-making easier. The contrasts between the two camps are often funny and controversial, but always stark. It is remarkable that memes have not ‘red pilled’ more people since the contrasts are so vividly contrasted. these contrasts,

We sense however that the more we interact, the more polarized we become. We tend to get pulled to one side in our debates and then over time our opinions become more and more entrenched. Some say it is because we are not interacting face-to-face and enjoy more anonymity in our digital lives than we do in real life. Gradually we use stronger language, we find ourselves name-calling, our tempers flare — we behave in ways online that are unthinkable in real life. We’re all keyboard warriors whether intentional or not.

This Gallery is a collection of “Compare & Contrast” memes and political cartoons focused on the differences between Donald Trump and Joe Biden or the two parties illustrating this divide. It is by no means exhaustive. Maybe readers have seen everything here several times over. Whether seeing for the first time or not, it is hoped you can use these assets in your daily social media travels.

See links under Resources below for more about memes.



It is worth noting, James Lindsay, author and mathematician (popular on the right and therefore excoriated by the left) recently reported on his live Talk Space on X (aka Twitter) that academic papers are circulating a new cultural contagion. Now ‘they’ say that, ‘pictures’ (photographs) of glaciers are pornographic, and photographers are voyeurs.’

Is it possible that even photography is on the cancel culture chopping block? Lindsay says academia wants ‘native paintings of glaciers’ NOT ‘photography.’ ‘Native’ as in North American Indian.

If we connected these dots – making sense of nonsense – it might embolden them.

Will only add that any use of the word ‘pornographic’ applied preposterously to glaciers when leftists actively sell pedophilia (while swearing, ‘We’re coming for your children) and also refusing to talk about the human trafficking on our southern border is definitely meme-worthy.

Use memes, cartoons, photographs while you can!

These Marxists work at warp speed.


Make your own memes. Here is a list of Top Meme Makers:

For data on viral and trending memes, check out this list. Recommend Know Your Meme:

Claudia Logan

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A cartoon of a cat on top of a pile of rubble.