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Here is what people are saying about the book:

Read it for Chapter 10: The Movement

August 16, 2022

The last chapter, The Trump Movement, is the most significant part of the book for me because it aptly describes the Trump legacy, his movement. Most of the media and leadership of the Republican party still do not understand the Trump Movement.

The author makes it clear that Trump has a deep connection to ordinary Americans. Rush Limbaugh said shortly before he died, “Nobody will ever be able to separate Trump from his supporters.”

I enjoyed the author’s writing style. The author pays keen attention to details about the Trump movement and other aspects of Trump’s personality that is lost on most others. If Trump announces his candidacy for 2024, I hope you will write about his road back.

~John S., Knoxville, TN

A Picture of a Man Who Uses the Word ‘Beautiful’ More than ‘Fake News’…

July 20, 2022

Donald Trump has been called many things, from Orange Meanie to the greatest president since Reagan. I was surprised to hear the author describe him as elegant. In this beautifully produced book that sits proudly on my coffee table, she makes her point convincingly.

The author credits Trump’s aesthetic to his career as a builder, where he focused on creating well-known architectural icons like Trump Tower in New York, the latter lobby won glowing praise from the architectural critic of The New York Times, of all places.

Ms. Logan has a deep understanding of all the components of branding, from Trump’s most extravagant buildings to his hairstyle and the length of his ties, from his huge rallies to the grammatical structure of his tweets, and the jagged calligraphy of his signature.

They add up to a picture of a man who uses the word “beautiful” as many or more times than he uses the words “fake news.” By dissecting the structure of his tweets, which follow classic Aristotelian patterns (don’t laugh, she proves it) and the reason for his overly long red ties, she shows that Trump’s personal brand is consistent from top to bottom.

The book itself proves that form follows function. It is a beautifully produced coffee table book with over 150 images of Trump and the world he created. With its classic typography, it’s a book you can leave open on virtually any page. But my favorite is the center spread of the book. In Chapter Five, The Red Tie, she has bound a slim ribbon of red silk between the pages. What a graceful touch.

Ms. Logan has also made a condensed Kindle version of the book, and while it doesn’t have the hardcover’s physical presence, it has the same impressive story and visuals, and is much more portable. It would be the perfect airplane read.

That leaves only one thing left to mention; the quality of the writing. In a word, it’s elegant.

July 20, 2022–Greg Karraker, advertising creative director and author of The Little Picture: How Liberals, Progressives, and Twits in Local Governments Are Strangling America, and What to Do About It.

Well done!

June 28, 2022

The Elegant Trump is just that. I admire Donald Trump and this book brought to light a different facet of him; one that has been purposely hidden. Well done!”--Richard H., Riverton, NJ (12/19/21)

A wonderful tribute to President Trump!

June 28, 2022

I got the chills so many times as I read through this book. Finally, a beautifully written book has been published celebrating the elegant side of Donald J. Trump. The author’s knowledge of his unique elegance and style, the gorgeous rarely seen photographs, the high quality, and attention to detail was an overall wonderful tribute to President Trump. It completely blew my mind and was so much more than I even expected. My heartfelt congratulations to the author, Claudia Logan, for writing this very important book. I highly recommend buying “The Elegant Trump ” and, it would also make a fantastic gift!--Tina K., Sparta, NJ (12/21) 

Couldn’t put this book down…highly recommend!

June 23, 2022

Finally, a book about the man, Donald Trump, that is both entertaining and informative. Claudia Logan has captured the characteristics of Trump in a book that is enjoyable to read, has interesting fun facts and great illustrations.  Learning about his upbringing, his clothing secrets and unique personal habits kept me engaged!  Surprised to learn as a young man he worked blue collar jobs. The book reveals so many details from Trumps hairstyle, body language to his achievements; I couldn’t put the book down! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and learned so much about Trump I never imagined!  Highly recommended! —D. Graber, Chicago, IL (1/17/22)

An Astounding Report of All Things Trump

April 16, 2021

I am in the book trade and have read your book, The Elegant Trump. The book you have ‘created’ might be a better term. The book you wrote and created is not only a work of love as I look at its final form and content, but an astounding report of all things Trump. Those not blinded by the unrelenting hatred for Donald Trump, otherwise known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, will have an enormous amount of research about Donald Trump at their fingertips. Even liberals who might be interested in seeing the truth beyond the incessant hatred — the painting with a broad brush — will benefit from reading your book.

Like Trump or not he created history, not only with his ascendance to President of the United States but his whole life from his youth until the present is a biography worth knowing.

Your dedicated, well researched chapters on various periods of Trump life is admirable. I would expect Trump detractors to faint over it.

Your book is not a coffee table book even though the format may suggest it. I began reading it and started skipping the photos and delved into your compelling narrative, then I would go back to the photos. I could say more since this was such a delight for me to read.

Congratulations Claudia Logan, your solid knowledge of Trump’s life may perhaps make some people think more about their political affiliations. Thank you for your “elegant” intellectual effort!!”

~Mihai R, New York, New York

Destined to Become a Classic!

February 23, 2021

An elegant book indeed! The Elegant Trump is a wonderful mix of Trump the everyday man and Trump the master communicator.

A brief look at the facts and fiction of his life will reveal the superb work the author has achieved in putting this book together showing us the truth about Donald J. Trump.

Claudia writes elegantly about the hypocrisy of Trump’s opponents and then she gets personal and gives us a real view as to why the former president resonates with blue collar America.

This book is destined to be a classic!–Pastor Arch Fisher, Florida (2/23/21)

A lifestyle, coffee table book about the ‘fancier times’…

February 1, 2021

Claudia Logan has published a lifestyle/coffee table book that’s not so much political in nature because it has so many photographs going back to the beginning of the fancier times from the 1980s to now and it’s COOL! I know Donald Trump from my childhood, watching “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”, and don’t really care to make every conversation about politics. So this book steers clear of just that! There’s a narrative history about his real-estate developments, and stylistic choices (hairstyle included) it’s funny, and pretty, and informative. A nice read, even if your are not into his politics. He is so much more than the guy we knew as President for a while. As he should be. He’s not a politician. –M. Carvahlo (1/26/21)

“…A Magnificent Testament to President Trump!”

December 18, 2020

“As a reader of thousands of books and a collector of the same amount, I present my quasi-professional, well-educated opinion of your masterpiece, The Elegant Trump.

Upon purchase I expected a job well done…a coffee table book! It became obvious that your work is a magnificent testament to President Trump, his life, his accomplishments, his tenacity, and his will to protect and save our country.

The quality of production is excellent, the photographs are inspiring and descriptive. Your depth of research and knowledge is so thorough and extensive that one gains a most accurate perception of who and what our President truly is.

It is a joy to read and a lovely artistic aesthetic experience. It is an incomparable work of art, facts, and beauty. It is also a journal of his trials and tribulations that we’ve seen these past four yers.

With all deserved acclaim I cheer wholeheartedly “bravo and hip, hip hooray” to you! I look forward to your next endeavor!”

–Thomas E. Cunningham, III (November 2020)

Wendy A.

November 12, 2020

“I’m thoroughly enjoying your gorgeous book, The Elegant Trump! As beautiful as it is on the outside, it is just as fascinating inside. The abundance of interesting info and unique photos offers one a look into the many facets of Donald Trump that other publications don’t.  I especially enjoyed your chapters on his iconic hair, red tie and sense of humor. Such a lovely tribute to our President! I am so happy to own it!”–Wendy A., Gwynn, VA (November 12, 2020)


  1. […] think I did a pretty good job of persuading readership (small as it is) that there was at least more to Donald Trump than meets the eye. To my mind, Trump […]